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My thoughts.

Sep 24, 2009
I have only played this game for basicly 1 month. Some of my thoughts and idead may have been posted, but I was not willing to look through 30+ pages of forums.

Level 24 Life / Death wizard.

Power Pips - Awesome in the game. Downside, I has a 35% chance to see one, yet one out of three is not a power pip. I have, ine one battle, cast two 5 pip death skeletons while receiving only one power pip. 1/11 is not 35% If you argue the rolling dice theory, then someone with my "rolling" ability with 99% would still roll a 1 every time and miss it.

SOLUTION - 10%-20% Low Chance - 21%-30% Little Chance - 31%-40% Moderate Chance - 41%-50% Good Chance - and 50%+ High Chance. Instead of displaying numbers, because numbers insinuate facts and logic, just show the "chance" so people do not feel let down by their gear.

PVP (little experience). I have joined and participated in maybe 6 battles. Most 1 on 1, and a 4 on 4. I have never been in the group that could have the initial cast (my poor "rolling" abilities). It seems that the queue system places the battles by HP. Thus, if I am at level 24 with a life wizard, I could battle up to level 32 on average. I have seen spells cast that I could never have obtained at my current level going against myself. I am so confused.

Solution - All PvP battles should be within two level of each others OR where no "card level" could be different. Understand that a level 22 has better cards than a level 21 could get. I am tired of getting killed by the storm typhoon in one hit as it does 1400 damage, by someone who has a deck that can hold 6 of each needed card where I can only have 4 and do nearly 600 damage.

Crowns - OMG, both sides have good debates. I too, am both for and against them. I love the idea of crowns in so far as you can get neat items with them. I am against hte fact that you have to buy so many to get anything useful. I am for the idea of earning them in game, one example could be grandmasters that can gain NO exp currently, could gain crowns to replace experience not gained. The way the crowns work in this game now, in stead of paying $15.00 / month, it is $10 or even $14 (2 accounts family plan) per month, but could well exceed an average of $20-$25 per month if you add buying crowns. I did feel a sense of relief when I saw you could spend crowns for ingame gold, I thought 3000 gold to help with hte first castle house would not be too bad. Now I am glad I did not make that purchase. I mean it could not hurt or damage the in game economy, but this idea of pay more for this, pay more for that, this seems exceedingly more greedy than Sony (Everquest) or Blizzard (World of Warcraft) have ever been.

Bazaar - I understand selling items in the bazaar and buying items out of the bazaar, but I do not understand the pricing. For example, if you buy something, then turn around and decide you do not want it, it drops in value by 90% or more. Also while selling the exact same item in Name and Statistics, one will sell for 63 gold, and the next 62. Confused again.

Solution - No matter what something is argueable, but I perfer an ingame economy to the rip off NPC. Players can sell vendor junk like +2 to fire resist, and place a decent item they could not use like +96 hp + 4% fire damage at their own price. The economy will dictate the value, only crown buyers would make it overpriced. IDK, there may be no good solution except making selling the items 50% of what it is to buy and making htem all a FLAT rate, rather then an I have 5 of this item and will sell 1 for 1000, 2nd for 2000, ect... and 1 of this item, will sell for 5000.

Upgrades - I feel like the gear required for questing through the game without having 3-4 friends with all the same play scheduals is too hard to find at the level you can use it. So soling becomes the only option yet if you go to bazaar and blow ALL your money, quest rewards will never compare. Heck without hte bazaar, I probably would still be using my starter deck, as I have never found one in the quest / drop categories.

Solution - Make quest rewards increase with level. If you turn in a quest at level 25, get a level 25 item, not 15 or 20, and try to make it useable by the class that hands it in, not some fire only for a life wizard.

PS, I used my wizard and fire for ALL examples primarly due to the fact my life wizard could dress a fire wizard ever 5 levels (sadly).