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Feedback Friday 2-8-19

Aug 30, 2008
Pvp and Pet derbies. Things that might get peoples interest in pvp could be... new prizes for arena tickets, double pet XP for feeding a pet in a derby or earning hatching peppers, monstrology in pvp where you capture the animus of a defeated player

Jan 29, 2011
You should let us change our wizards' names (as we could change the look )

Nov 25, 2012
I'd like to stitch a hair style with a hat. I never understood why it isn't optional in the game.

Apr 19, 2009
Other than stuff being free I want to make a ice wizard so he explore wizard city and the rest of the spiral. Please???????

Aug 17, 2018
I have 2 suggestions, one of them is for PvP.

1.)Fix shrike, the issue with shrike is that some of the spell don't reduce the backlash at all and they do damage. If I'm not mistaken all of the 118 spells do not reduce backlash in shrike, Krampus doesn't either, so I'd really love to see that being fixed . Also for PvP, limit the spell "Guardian Spirit" to one per match, the life wizards seem to abuse that in PvP which makes matches take like 2 hours.

2.)Put all of the bundles online so we can buy them there. I have this issue that I've been contacting the support and I'm gonna write it here too, I need a bundle and It's not available online and the shops near me don't sell them either, so I thought, it would be really helpful if you put all of the bundles available to be purchased online, not only would that help us, but that would bring more benefit to your company while HELPING us


Nov 24, 2011
I'd love to see the one and two pip spells you learn from each school redone with updated graphics! For example, the fire elf spell isn't that great anymore compared to some of the other spells.

Feb 02, 2015
Better rewards for doing battles in the monstrodome would be nice. I have a pretty difficult set of bosses in their but no one does it since the rewards aren't really worth it. Maybe being able to get a hatching timer reset potion, energy potion, or something smaller such as 3-4 Amber or other rare drops from it so it's worth it instead of managing to defeat them only to get a rock. (In the dome is shane von Shane [star], shadowwock, shadowbones, and neberyx)

Aug 03, 2014
Mini-videos advertising various features wizards will be able to do (skippable for those who have 'been here before' of course, but repeatable at any time - because they're stunning!). Style - similar to a tourism advert They would be ultra-tight so they are very brief but packed with bright, upbeat, excitement!

As we approach different places for the first time the video could auto play showing wizards in action using/doing the relevant thing.

Places this could be used:

- Bazaar (shows the various pages, buying/selling, different ways to sort)
- Golem Court when we go near Farley (shows gardening, gardens, casting cool spells and beautiful plants etc)
- The Arena (show exciting and fun PVP)

- Ponds (shows wizards enjoying fishing and catching some cool things, cut to house with prize fish in aquariums)
- Near Pet Pavilion (sneak peek of what's beyond that gate, games, wizards with pets, hatching etc)
- Crown shop (point out things can be bought for gold...many players ignore the crown shop because they have no crowns, but many looking at things for gold get tempted into crown purchases!)
- Castle Tours (visiting houses, house games, showcase your own home etc)
- Eudora Tangletree (crafting gear, housing items, mounts...cut to wizard busy in their crafting room etc)

- A slightly bigger 'tour' of worlds we can not access yet. Either advert-style as above or interactive where they can run about like the GH tour...seeing how many places and things are available is persuasive and tempting to anyone enjoying the concept of being a wizard.

Jan 20, 2019
I know that you're asking for feedback for the first hour of gameplay, but I have an idea that I would like you guys to take into consideration.

Purchasing card packs leaves me with a lot of items that I end up not wanting. I can go to another world and sell them for gold, sure, but I'd really rather give them to people that could find them useful. Would it ever be possible to implement the gifting of crown items, even after they are purchased? I have a lot of clothes and mounts that I don't want nor need, and don't really want to trash them or sell them. I know it would be a lot of work to be able to gift all items in the game, so I was wondering if it could ever be a possibility for crown items alone. Please let me know if this could ever be put into the game!

May 18, 2009
I'll just post the ideas I've posted recently, as well as some common ideas

- The ablity to upgrade gear from packs using crowns

- A level 130 return to Wysteria

- One more wizard slot

- Make it less annoying to tranfer wizards between accounts (No more year long membership thing, thats pointless)

- Remove the birthday resitriction on open chat, it only causes people to be forever locked out of having it

Ill post more later

Jan 11, 2012
There are some great ideas here, but please remember that we were asked a specific situation:

(quote) In the first hour of play in the Spiral, what is the ONE thing you'd like to see us improve? (/quote)

many comments already are WELL beyond the first hour in the game. The more we follow the rules specified in the question, the better off our chances are to see the ideas we come up with. We will NEVER see Shrike or Leafstorm in the first hour of the game (as an example).

Nov 20, 2015
I seen a lot of very valid items on the wishlist through all these replies!
I would like to add just two...

1-SEVENTH CHAIR! it seriously can't be that hard...very long overdue.
2-the ability to "x" or delete old side quests that you're are levels ahead of or worlds away from.

Oct 21, 2015
I would like all the loremaster spells taken out of pvp and if they were taken out I believe pvp would be fixed for the best as well as Headless Horseman and Burning Rampage.

Many of the loremaster spells are way too overpowered because they do mass damage for very low pips and another suggestion is if you can't do that make another pvp ranking system one with lore spells allowed and another without.

Dec 23, 2017
When I first started to play this game I had no clue. it took me quite a few lvl's to work out the basic's and a few wizards to work out the rest.
So what about a buddy system where young and novice wizards can ask for help in general game play. Maybe a reward system to team up with a young or novice wizard for a short time. Not to do it for them but to advise them on game play and what to do. And help them work it out.
This might encourage new players to stick around and give it a go.

And new members are good for every one. members and kI

Feb 06, 2010
Professor Falmea on Feb 8, 2019 wrote:
Hi everyone! Let's take some time and chat about something new, shall we?

For this edition of Feedback Friday, let's stick with the new and shiny theme and consider your first footsteps into Wizard City. In the first hour of play in the Spiral, what is the ONE thing you'd like to see us improve? We're excited to see your thoughts!

Have a wondrous weekend, Wizards!

Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!
I was hoping to see other people list this but:

  • More Side world content would be nice!
  • More options at the makeover shop (tattoos especially)
  • Continue revamping the first arc's worlds or just....
When you guys first created Dragonspyre you rushed through it to get it done in time. Now you have plenty of time to change it; I understand that it is supposed to look like the Dragon Titian destroyed it, but I think it can look a little better than just a thousand doors everywhere and "purple rubble" all over the place. And if you go through the final dungeon, Malistaire still looks like his old self when using the Krokonomicon. Also when at the top of the spyre you see this weird place out in the distance... Is that supposed to be Basilica!? Very Bad quality there!

I know you said “ONE” and I put five including the ones above... sorry 1 is usually impossible

Feb 12, 2015
Cameron Fire on Feb 10, 2019 wrote:
I would like all the loremaster spells taken out of pvp and if they were taken out I believe pvp would be fixed for the best as well as Headless Horseman and Burning Rampage.

Many of the loremaster spells are way too overpowered because they do mass damage for very low pips and another suggestion is if you can't do that make another pvp ranking system one with lore spells allowed and another without.
The Lore spells aren't the real problem. It's the Shadow-enhanced Spells and Enchantments that are messing things up.

Aug 03, 2014
Victoria FireHeart on Feb 9, 2019 wrote:
Mini-videos advertising various features wizards will be able to do (skippable for those who have 'been here before' of course, but repeatable at any time - because they're stunning!). Style - similar to a tourism advert They would be ultra-tight so they are very brief but packed with bright, upbeat, excitement!

As we approach different places for the first time the video could auto play showing wizards in action using/doing the relevant thing.

Places this could be used:

- Bazaar (shows the various pages, buying/selling, different ways to sort)
- Golem Court when we go near Farley (shows gardening, gardens, casting cool spells and beautiful plants etc)
- The Arena (show exciting and fun PVP)

- Ponds (shows wizards enjoying fishing and catching some cool things, cut to house with prize fish in aquariums)
- Near Pet Pavilion (sneak peek of what's beyond that gate, games, wizards with pets, hatching etc)
- Crown shop (point out things can be bought for gold...many players ignore the crown shop because they have no crowns, but many looking at things for gold get tempted into crown purchases!)
- Castle Tours (visiting houses, house games, showcase your own home etc)
- Eudora Tangletree (crafting gear, housing items, mounts...cut to wizard busy in their crafting room etc)

- A slightly bigger 'tour' of worlds we can not access yet. Either advert-style as above or interactive where they can run about like the GH tour...seeing how many places and things are available is persuasive and tempting to anyone enjoying the concept of being a wizard.
I maybe badly worded this, so summarised in one sentence:

Brief cut-scenes showing the new wizard some of the fun to be had throughout the wizarding journey

Mar 13, 2009
Provide a temporary mount to new players and have stitching be for gold.

Jan 11, 2012
dayerider on Feb 9, 2019 wrote:
Make Unicorn Way/Golem Court bosses not have minions at all. Leave everything else the same. Ramp up the difficulty level a TAD slower. No school has an AoE that low and it drags the fights out a lot. Either that, or give ALL schools a 1 or 2 pip AoE spell learned around L5 or 10. EITHER would work, although, I'm partial to giving them ALL a low pip, low damage, AoE.
as an update on this, 2 pips, 150 damage per enemy regardless of school; just straight damage. This'll help ALL schools, but mostly will help Life and Death as they don't get a SCHOOL TAUGHT AoE until 48/58. The game is really slow until you get AoE spells, and early on, the gear is unimpressive to say the least (unless you use crowns)

May 21, 2011
I personally think that it takes more than just making things look more flashy to keep players.

I believe the key for Wizard101 here to keep people playing is to encourage more people to play together. I'm suggesting a decrease in the amount of realms to increase the amount of people that can load into an area together. You start more people off playing together, you get more friendships and group play that will be desired throughout the Spiral.

Of course not too less realms so people can solo parts of the game if they want to, but all duel circles come with 4 allied positions for a reason right? I remember when I started off the game, having a full duel circle was the coolest thing ever and I bought a membership so I could continue enjoying the game with my new friends.

Another suggestion that I'd also like to highlight (I believe someone else stated this before), just make Unicorn Way and the town areas feel more mystical instead of just containing magical beings. Why not have the Unicorn Way statue be animated? Rarely anyone goes to that particular spot so that would be an eye catcher. Or spice up that gazebo!

~ Noah SilverBlood

Jan 11, 2012
Mocha Choca Latte on Feb 11, 2019 wrote:
I personally think that it takes more than just making things look more flashy to keep players.

I believe the key for Wizard101 here to keep people playing is to encourage more people to play together. I'm suggesting a decrease in the amount of realms to increase the amount of people that can load into an area together. You start more people off playing together, you get more friendships and group play that will be desired throughout the Spiral.

Of course not too less realms so people can solo parts of the game if they want to, but all duel circles come with 4 allied positions for a reason right? I remember when I started off the game, having a full duel circle was the coolest thing ever and I bought a membership so I could continue enjoying the game with my new friends.

Another suggestion that I'd also like to highlight (I believe someone else stated this before), just make Unicorn Way and the town areas feel more mystical instead of just containing magical beings. Why not have the Unicorn Way statue be animated? Rarely anyone goes to that particular spot so that would be an eye catcher. Or spice up that gazebo!

~ Noah SilverBlood
IF they do this, they should maybe start by removing 2 realms and see how it goes. If the issue remains, cut back 2 more, etc. They already have records of when peak times are, so they can turn on all those realms during those peak times. My questing buddy and I dont need help from others (on a regular basis), and we enjoy a nice quiet realm to play in. I don't want those to leave either. It needs to be a balance between encouraging team play and allowing for quiet realms, and I believe you are trying to strike a balance.

Jun 03, 2017
Star Gator on Feb 9, 2019 wrote:
I'd like to stitch a hair style with a hat. I never understood why it isn't optional in the game.
I made my Malistaire hat look like the Savvy Satyr Though.

Aug 23, 2016
I would love to see the revamp of Wizard City continue to the other streets.

I would love to see Daily Across the Spiral quests from Shellus Gruffheart.

I would love to see fishing, gardening, and pet training be separate energies.

Steven Ghoststalker

Jun 13, 2011
Professor Falmea on Feb 8, 2019 wrote:
Hi everyone! Let's take some time and chat about something new, shall we?

For this edition of Feedback Friday, let's stick with the new and shiny theme and consider your first footsteps into Wizard City. In the first hour of play in the Spiral, what is the ONE thing you'd like to see us improve? We're excited to see your thoughts!

Have a wondrous weekend, Wizards!

Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!
Well, I think the tutorial's area layout should be more unique, because it using the Golem Court layout kinda gives a bit away to what some are going to, but, I'm not complaining. Just thought the tutorial could use new unique area layouts not seen anywhere else. I would really like to see that.

Speaking of, I think the tutorial's storyline and pacing could be a bit more streamlined, without sacrificing the exposition, such as how spells work, what to use, etc.. I mean, I like the Malistaire appearance, but the very first of his lackeys we duel could look a bit more unique, and he should've warned us that his actions have been the beginning before he escaped, as a hint to the 1st arc. That should be done, too.

There should also be new ToolTips about replaying past Tutorial Tips we've gotten through our adventure, & Second Chance Chests. Those should be added.

Rattlebones in Unicorn Way should be reclassified as a boss mob instead of an elite mob, because it really makes no sense. Also, the ToolTip about unique boss loot & the icon from the Monstrology Roster clearly verified him as a boss. Please do that.

Hope those get done sometime soon.

Thanks again, Professor Falmea!

Jan 30, 2019
My suggestion would be let the wizard start off with a pet that gives them a school specific spell... like fireball or firecat for the fire school. The pets wouldn't be that great but it would help new players learn how pets work without spending crazy amounts of gold. Also, id like to see more people actually playing. Starting the Wizard101 Ads is something id love to see as well.