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How do you get the spell "supercharge"?

Jul 29, 2012
My storm wizard is level 45 and still hasn't gotten the quest for the spell supercharge. I didn't quest in the world where we get the spell when I was level 20 so I returned when I realized I hadn't gotten the spell yet. I followed the main quest line till Mirkholm Keep and still haven't gotten the quest I checked erik, ambrose, and the bear in olde town but none had a quest for me? Can someone please help me? Thanks!

May 09, 2010
Simple. Pay a visit to the bear Erik Wyrdrune in Northguard, GH to find the spell quest for supercharge. Hope this helps

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
theurgistswag on Feb 1, 2015 wrote:
My storm wizard is level 45 and still hasn't gotten the quest for the spell supercharge. I didn't quest in the world where we get the spell when I was level 20 so I returned when I realized I hadn't gotten the spell yet. I followed the main quest line till Mirkholm Keep and still haven't gotten the quest I checked erik, ambrose, and the bear in olde town but none had a quest for me? Can someone please help me? Thanks!
To get supercharge you have to be at least level 35 and have completed the quest “One in the Snout” in Murkholm Keep in Grizzleheim. After you complete that quest go speak to Baldur Goldpaw in Olde Town he will give you a quest called “I Know a Guy…” where you have to talk to Erik Wyrdrune in Northguard. After you complete that quest you will get another quest “Thief of Spells” where you will
have to fight a myth boss in Murkholm Keep and get a book of spells. After you turn in the quest you
will get supercharge