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i need more higher level friends please!!

Jul 16, 2010
my name is Heather Owleyes i am Ice level 46, trying to get through grizzleheim's Jotun quest, i have posted in the grizzleheim forums as well but there doesnt seem to be many people looking in there.. there is no way possible i will be able to do this by myself, and also getting to a point in Dragonspyre where i'm going to need help also, i am pretty good about returning favors

i have some friends on my list now but every one of them have seem to disapear on me, any help and response will be awesome!! thanks ^_^

Jul 13, 2009
I have two wizards that are levels 35 and 21 ,would u consider that high leveled? Anyways I need a few more friends so if you happen to see me I exept all friend requests :) . My wizards don't normally go to grizzlehiem bcuz it duznt follow the story line but somtimes I do but mostlly I am in the arena ,marleybone, and krokotopia.

Amber Stormsong level 35 storm

Amber Soulhunter level 21 death

Taylor Emeraldspear level 18 life

(And a few others that I don't uasuly play on so they not high leveled)

Feb 18, 2010
What time are you usually on? I am on the west coast, which makes meeting up with friends difficult, except for on the weekends. I am taking a break from DS until Celestia comes out. In the meantime, I am farming Yakedo for the Death Pig pet. I also need to defeat Jotun. If you wish, maybe we can meet up somwhere on Saturday. let me know what works for you.

Michael Raven Heart
Level 47
Master Necromancer
Daddy Wizard

White Krok crowns gear and Seraph wings

Mar 12, 2010
I will help you. I am level 50 - look for Destiny in the Basilica

Jul 08, 2010
Hello, What realm do you play in. My name is Jeffrey NightStalker and if you happen to run into me feel free to add me. I am currently working on an alt character right now and her name is Victoria DeathBringer and i'm always on the Pixie server. She's currently at KT but will long in my main and add you to my friends list on both characters just in case you need my help.

May 28, 2009
I can help. But is hard to meet someone like this tough. You can ask anybody in Northguard to do. In a crowdy realm. And you better do it when you grand.

Aug 21, 2009
Port to the basilica on a busy realm and you should find many people there, simply type a greating like hi and that you need help and want to make friends. Anytime I have ever wanted help, all I had to do was go to the basilica and I could find people willing to help.

Mar 21, 2009
I can help too - I have 2 Level 50 characters- Storm and Fire both named Mary Moonbright - that Jotun quest is not easy. I am usually on at night east coast time.

Aug 21, 2010
I have alot of farming to do in Dragonspyre for my Grand gear. So if you'd like the help of a 50 Grand Conjurer

Im Richard LionHeart been playing on Ambrose alot lately.

Jun 26, 2009
Hi Heather! looks like you have a few offers to help you, I can as well. I reccommend you post the time you're usually on(and the time zone), the realm you'll be playing on and where on that realm you can be found.