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Member Worlds

Dec 14, 2009
I made a reference to this is another post,and I have seen other references to it in still other posts by other members. I think it is an important enough topic that it deserves its on thread,so here it is. KI really needs to have some member ONLY worlds. There are several good reasons for this,I will list a few and encourage others to add to it.....

1) Server Connection Problems- Many times myself,and other paying members cannot connect to the game due to the heavy volume of traffic. This is due to the heavy influx of member and non-members trying to log on at the same time.If subscribers had a world available to members only,that should alleviate the problem,or at least lessen it to a huge degree. It's very frustrating to pay/support a game, and not even be able to utilize what you are paying for. It would also encourage more to become members i suspect.

2) Annoying Players- Sadly with any MMORPG that also has free services,you get an influx of undesirables who seem bent on doing nothing but causing problems. Good examples of these in Wizards are the numerous people who decide to beg constantly for items,gifts,and or gold. Someone forgot to tell them that begging is rude,or they simply don't care. There is a mute option available,but the beggars far exceed its limits. A member only world would certainly curtail this,as most beggars i have seen,seem to be the free players.

3) Member Perks- Myself and others have also noticed that there is very little incentive to becoming a member. You do get more worlds,but that is about all. A member-only world with added content or bonus items that non-members could not acquire would certainly be an incentive for more people to become members.

I have many others reasons I could list,but I will stop and let others list their reasons and offer any other opinions on the matter. A response on this subject by KI would also be appreciated. :D

Apr 21, 2010
I totally agree! and I also think the trial players should be limited to level 10 and paying customers should have login pritority.

Mar 14, 2009