I am stuck in The Vault of Ice with the Keeper of the Fang. It says I have to defeat the three keepers first and solve a mystery. I fought all three and got the message "mystery solved. A door has been unlocked." I lit everything in all three rooms I fought in and I still cannot get in to fight the Keeper of the Fang. I am so confused! Please help, lol!
This last room has 4 obelisks that are lit up when you enter. I'm assuming you have to either unlight them in a certain order or light them in a certain order. Given that this give you 4x3x2x1=24 possibilities for either unlighting or lighting them, it's really frustrating. I tried every combination of having some lit while others were not. I started to make a chart, but since there is not ONE clue, it's just trial and error and a serious waste of time. Anyone solve this yet?
The door you unlocked is NOT in the three rooms where you fought the bosses. Instead it is out in the hallway- it is the big door with the lever. Now that you unlocked it, just pull the lever and you will enter the ice sea.
Each of the three sub-bosses has an action that needs to be completed. You will get a statement that says "You hear a lock break", for each of the three sub-bosses. After the third boss is defeated, go back to the big door right next to the entrance, near where Shalek the Wise should be standing. The door there should open for you and then you can go in and kill the fourth boss, who has the fang.
The previous message was a little confused, combining parts of both The Vault of Ice and the Emperor's Retreat, so ignore the previous person's comment.
Thank you all for the help. I was not backing up and seeing the pattern on the wall to show me the order in which I needed to do things. I have no idea how children play this game when it took me that long to figure that out. Lol! Thanks again!
im still realy confused i go in the room first baner i see is moon the cesond on is sun the 3 i see is the snak 4 i see is the bird i tried this com bo but it didient work
If I'm correct, it should go snake moon, bird sun. I believe.
It's really easy read the wall from left to right, and do as it says. I had no problem with it whatsoever. It's not as hard as everyone points it out to be.
Lol I had trouble with this as well. Then my grandchild comes along and figures it out....I was over analyzing the situation. do you suppose thats why this game is meant for kids? They havn't learned to do that yet
Just ease your mind before you do the vault of ice if you aren't a kid playing this game. The hard part about this place is figuring out how to break the locks on your first try and the harder part can be defeating the other ghosts. I just got here today and I had no clue what to do so I looked here and you all are helpful!
Side Note, There are going to be several occassions where you are going to have to figure riddles and clues out. Each time it is different. When you are doing Obelisks, and you are lighting them or unlighting them, some rooms have clues in book pedestals, read the books and stop and think about the question that is being asked. Then look at the room and see what is on the walls or on the Obelisks. There is however a room within the 3 sub-boss's that if you walk into the room to fast you will totally miss the clue because it will dissapear. I had to do this quest twice to catch that lol. The Obelisks will dissapear once you step into the room and yes you need to read them from left to right pretty much for all of them. Hope this lightens up the darkness for you all.
I have walked in and out of the Room of the Defender of the fang several times after defeating the boss. The banners drop fire, ice, and then storm. However, after defeating the boss, and going in and out of th eroom fast and slow, it is the same. Banners droip in same order, but no glue as to color of braziers. No color, fire symbol is solid, while other two are outlined. This is only room holding me up from unlocking third lock. Any help as to the color order of the braziers? Thanks.
Okay i been working on this for two days now After i beat the Protector i look at the walls and nothing Happends NO CLUES!!...How do i get past this?? I have been looking for any clues i can do all the others just not this one' I see nothing flash no hints at all
I've gotten to the vault in the sphinx and defeated all 3 of the order of the fang. I solved the 4 obelisk in one room and the flames in the other, but there is nothing in the last one. I've left and came back in, but still nothing.
I defeated the Protector of the Fang and solved the puzzle with the oblesks.
I defeated the Defender of the Fang and solved the puzzle with the braziers.
But at the place where I should find the Guardian of the Fang, there is nothing. No boss, no puzzle.
Interestingly enough, I can walk right through the big doors that are supposed to open once all bosses are defeated and puzzles are solved. Nothing there, though.
I am having a similar problem with the vault of Ice. I have beaten the entire level all monsters in it and only got 2 riddles to solve. I solved the obelisks riddle and the flames riddle. I am in the guardian of the fang room with no riddle to solve and no monsters to fight. What do I do?
Where is the riddle for the Guardian of the Fang? I have beaten all of the bosses, and this one does not come up. I tried teleporting out then in, back to my room then back, but still nothing. If anyone can help me out on this I would greatly appreciate it.
Got it figured out. If you die during a battle in this dungeon, and go back and finish the rest, one of the riddles is not there. What I had to do was to log off ( yes I know I lost all progress in the dungeon ) and log back in. Go back into the dungeon and win the battles and do the riddles.
this is actually really easy. i'm actually a kid and i can figure it out. there are pictures that give you clues and you light up what is says to light up in order. its pretty easy but there is one that might seem a little hard with a lever (oh no!) lol not oh no all you do is put the tip of the lever pointing to the obelisks and light them up in order. just switch the level with (x) hope that helped
i believe i've solved the brazier lighting (I was told to turn them to red as part of the riddle), I have a scroll and an open book, and defeated the fang guy ... however, i cannot get into the vault of ice itself, the spirals don't light up to let me go in, yet it says i have to go in there to do the oblisk quest? The quest helper is pointing me to the vault of ice (door on top level, above the wise one), where both left & right sets of stairs lead. I have been in a battle with other wizards against big bosses in the entrance area, and won twice, but it still won't let me in the actual Vault of Ice?
I'll gladly do the quest again (rather, enter the dungeon again and start over if i've done something in the wrong order) to complete it, because i don't find it difficult - this is the first stumbling block i've encountered?