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Bosses saying disturbing things

Dec 26, 2013
I have to play the Devil's Advocate here - I have an issue with this complaint...I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that most of the folks complaining about "graphic" statements by the various bosses have never given a second thought to casting a spell to send sharks, demons, giant frogs, efreets, elephants, tidal waves, meteors, lightning bolts, bigfoot(feet?), animated trees, Cyclopes, ghosts, trolls, elementals, spiders, beetles, flaming cats and dogs, Dr. Von's buddy, krocs, birds, vampires and various and sundry other beasties to "defeat" those same nasty bosses. I understand people have sensitivities but let's face it: call it what you will - defeating, vanquishing, eliminating - (I won't use the "K" word for fear of further damaging fragile young minds) but the idea here is to beat the opponent. I can't even begin to count the number of duels I've been in where "die!" has been uttered by the human combatants, sometimes in not so gentle terms.
I'm just sayin', the old saying about heat and the kitchen applies here.

Oct 02, 2012
These things that bosses say never offended me at all. Some I think are quite funny. What comes out of kid's mouths in the game are far more offensive sometimes. Just my thoughts.

Jan 27, 2010
Sayings aside I guess that I should let everyone know that dragonspyre is a just one big mausoleum and if that isn't unsettling I don't know what is.

Oct 05, 2013
I actually thought it was a nice change compared to the more "wizard city" dialogue

Jul 29, 2014
I have noticed this too. As I completed more worlds, the boss dialog got a little more violent. I don't think KI would change it though.

Apr 17, 2011
I agree that the tone may seem a little harsh but as said in the game description this game has much crude humor and people should understand this makes the game feel exciting or it will change the whole plot around and convince you to play more honestly it may seem a little harsh but i am sure everyone understands

-HunterDeathFist lv 100
-DakotaThunderWraith lv 38

May 05, 2012
horselover753 on Aug 11, 2013 wrote:
But, still its not ok!
I, myself, am a little kid. Frankly, I made it through AZ on my own yet I wasn't even bothered once. Maybe for other people, yes, it may be disturbing. Honestly, I just skip through the text. Maybe I catch a glimpse, but doesn't bother me. I get worse on Halloween O. o

Aug 27, 2010
My opinion on the topic at hand is this, Y'all seem to forget, Kids nowadays are talking alot worse than the text that KI has for boss fights. The text the bosses have are mild compared to what they could really be saying. I don't have a problem with the text. Mainly Because I am an adult who understands the difference between fact and fantasy.

Jun 22, 2010
As a young christian, i must say these actually kinda offend me....
The game is rated E10+ but i feel like it is rated T after a few events. (that underwater world)
I implore someone to get rid of this, it's very disturbing...
-James lvl 42

Jun 16, 2011
james skullheart on Sep 30, 2014 wrote:
As a young christian, i must say these actually kinda offend me....
The game is rated E10+ but i feel like it is rated T after a few events. (that underwater world)
I implore someone to get rid of this, it's very disturbing...
-James lvl 42
Which world are you talking about?
I've been through all the worlds up to, and part way through Krysalis, and I don't know what world you mean. For one, there is no compleatly under water.
I can only think of Cleistia, and Crab Ally, which isn't really a world. And as far as I remember, neather of these seen very offending. Of corse, it may be that I have no idea what I'm talking about, sense I haven't been there for a looong time.

Level 99
level 29
level 25
level 10
level 9
level 8

Mar 28, 2010
When you face the Nosferabbit he says: Normally I only dine on veggie juice, but today I'll have to have blood."
Or something like that. I was like

Erica Angelshard
lvl 20 Pyromancer

BTW Krokotopia is really wierd Mostly why is there Cyclops in the pyramid?

Mar 28, 2010
BroBlast3 on Feb 7, 2014 wrote:
That's not bad for a game that says 10 and up, besides what you see in science class for you know what are more disturbing and they show you that at the age of 10.
The horrors of science and health.....
but yeah I agree

Erica Angelshard
lvl 20 Pyromancer

Sep 20, 2010
Yeah, there was some nirini in Krokotopia who said something very disturbing.
I forgot what it was, typically!

Autumn Lifegem, Level 29 Life and Storm (In Mooshu)

Jun 13, 2010
i think it's okay.

most of enemies who wants to eat us are a different species anyway.
i don't know lol haha.. but think of this way, it's like chicken coming to battle you and you taunt it by saying you are going roast him and eat it later.... :/ bad example but i hope you get what i mean...

Nov 14, 2009
Basically, when most little kids get to Celestia, or Dragonspyre, somewhere in that area, they stop. For Me, I remember when my friend was little, she got to Celestia and stopped. She couldn't understand celestian magic. Which, is fine. She worked on her other wizards up to that level, and stopped again.What I am trying to say, is that Celestia is harder to understand than Dragonspyre, and a lot (not all) little kids won't understand it. #magic

Feb 22, 2009
Cunning Finnigan S... on Sep 12, 2013 wrote:
Now hold on, how can you say Xibalba is unnecessary to Wizard101? Did you perhaps happen to work with the writers and had input on what to place in the game? And even if you did or didn't, there is a first time for everything, correct? Or am I mistaken? How can KI know not to do this again or at least try this if they don't take a risk?

I don't think KI ruined it. I think that's just more of how you feel. I have noticed KI is leading into some darker stories in both Wizard101 and Pirate101, but that does not mean they are going to go willy-nilly with it or not have a light at the end of the tunnel.

"In my opinion the whole Xibalba storyline is not only unnecessary, it is going in a wrong direction. It is a misguided move, taking Wizard101 away from the delightful, magical, family game it was founded to be, and moving it toward other more mature RPG venues."

(heavy sigh). This seriously kills me about this community when it comes to Azteca. I feel players don't see what is to come and see a light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, Azteca's story is dark, but that doesn't mean it is without a bright side (things I believe players completely belayed just to over exaggerate the negative's of Azteca and destroy any positives of the world). I've found plenty of sections of Azteca's dialogue from bosses as well as story where it seems the good lines outway the bad ones.
For example, in Tierra de Brea, the two Aztecosaur siblings bickered over who should control the other mine after their father died. Later we found out that the will of their father left the sides of the mine to the sibling who wanted it. I found that humorous in a misundersanding. Or how the 2 bosses who tried to capture Lady Zenzen argued who failed this. Or how in Twin Giants a boss references those typical workers who want a promotion which I found funny. I think too many people got hung up over the challenge and these few "bad lines" to realize this.

I also feel like you and many others do not see nor do you believe there is a light at the end of this story. That's going to end darkly and completely undermine what Wizard101 stands for. If you stand back and look at how the story flows, Azteca is designed as a sacficial point in the story. You want to avoid giving the main character everything they want as it makes a boring story. Azteca was the failure on the Wizards part and boosts the momentum to defeat evil. How I see it, the community looks at it as this terrible even and tricks themselves into believe Wizard101 is this now. No. It's that one moment in the story where it's like the main character's best ally sacrifices themself to give way for the protagonist to fight another day. This makes dramatic and epic scenes in a story. It also breaks a little bit of the common ground of Wizard101 without destroying it.
so, is azteca a one visit world? can you not access it after beating xibalba?

Sep 04, 2013
Bosses are supposed to be creepy, at least a little bit, and scary, because they are, well, evil. Remember that the game is still fiction, so nothing will come and do something in real life.

Feb 09, 2009
in some dugeons, the ceatures grab you and you don't have time to read the banners and when the fights are over, the banner holds you in the fight zone so you cannot read them

Jul 06, 2014
Actually, i found that the disturbing boss dialog was increasing in pegusus place (wysteria).

There is one quest where you need to defeat a boss in the (i think it is) crystal tower. he says this: " this isn't exactly what i planned on eating for dinner, but wizard will do." you can take this both ways.#

Rowan Ironhammer (magus level 30+)

Jun 19, 2010
Quick, call out the National Guard!?!

If you find W101 game content too disturbing; you have every right to not have to play, as well as limit your child's access to W101.

As a parent, I'm grateful my son has access to W101; because this is one of the most family friendly games we've found and play in my household.

Sep 07, 2011
I think some of the bosses have frightening voices. I think they should change it because the sound of it could frighten little kids that watch it. by: Sophia IceFriend School: level: 64 currently

Apr 30, 2009
I think the easiest solution to this is adding a crude humor filter, by default it would be on so nothing would be changed but if it were changed to off, then that stuff would be taken out including dialogue.

Jun 16, 2011
Remember this game is for ages 10+, but still just ignore it. It is just a game, it wont give kids nightmares

And it says by the rating of the game ''May contain ''Crude Humor'' and ''Mild Fantasy Violence''. Don't say KI Did not warn you!!!

*If you scroll down to the Very Bottom of the page you can see it*

Jun 16, 2011
TheGPM on Oct 7, 2014 wrote:
When you face the Nosferabbit he says: Normally I only dine on veggie juice, but today I'll have to have blood."
Or something like that. I was like

Erica Angelshard
lvl 20 Pyromancer

BTW Krokotopia is really wierd Mostly why is there Cyclops in the pyramid?
He is a Bunny Vampire, what do you expect him to eat McDonalds?

Feb 07, 2011
firestar422 on Oct 30, 2014 wrote:
He is a Bunny Vampire, what do you expect him to eat McDonalds?

and, to add to that, he should be a vegetarian; that way, no animals are harmed in the making of such delicious cheeseburgers and everyone can rest easier.

but wait: veggies have feelings, too, as this song makes clear:

how low as people do we dare to stoop,
making young broccolis bleed in the soup?
untie your beans, uncage your tomatoes-
let potted plants free, don't mash that potato!

-von "carrot juice constitutes murder" shadowsong