The whole point of all this is to be fun and suply and demand right? So why arent reagents tradeable lile treasure cards? I know thousands of people would me happy selling mist wood for scrap iron, iron for diamonds, or what have you person to person rather than fighting for position in the bazaar. I know I myself would offer a dozen scrap iron, or for diamonda, or 2 blood moss or a grendel weed for each black pearl. Hech I'd even be willing to do the farming for them for all 40 scrap iron or what have you id the trade is good enough.
My name is Noah SpellCaster Grandmaster Pyromancer. I have diamonds, scrap iron, blood moss, grendel weed, stone block, you name it, I farm it in high quantities. Only problem is I can't trade it for the reagents I need. If this is corrected hook me up and I will be more than happy to strike a deal with you in trade.
You can already sell them at the bazaar making them tradable could start a new scam of people hording the spawns and trading them to those who do not have the friends or have to time to compete. This is your typical corner the market scam Why sell your scrap iron (which seems to one of the harder reagants to mine when you can sell them for tcards?
No I think they should sell them. or make them more available. I have lost interest in farming beyond a certain level. Its one thing to farm of one RARE drop but when you need 60 of those same drops that is too time consuming. KI likes to think that its player stay on for hours but in reality many may do a few hours a day but no one wants to commit all that time to one non game related side quest.
I agree that allowing players to trade ingredients could result in some scams. However, the current ridiculously low prices paid by the bazaar do not encourage its use. I would rather sell them to a reagent vendor and not use the bazaar for trading.
The whole point of all this is to be fun and suply and demand right? So why arent reagents tradeable lile treasure cards? I know thousands of people would me happy selling mist wood for scrap iron, iron for diamonds, or what have you person to person rather than fighting for position in the bazaar. I know I myself would offer a dozen scrap iron, or for diamonda, or 2 blood moss or a grendel weed for each black pearl. Hech I'd even be willing to do the farming for them for all 40 scrap iron or what have you id the trade is good enough.
My name is Noah SpellCaster Grandmaster Pyromancer. I have diamonds, scrap iron, blood moss, grendel weed, stone block, you name it, I farm it in high quantities. Only problem is I can't trade it for the reagents I need. If this is corrected hook me up and I will be more than happy to strike a deal with you in trade.
Absolutely, yes!
I've recently completed the Master Artisan quest, and I am now having a heck of a time finding grendelweed for an item I want to craft.
When I was working on the MA quests, I had little trouble finding black pearls. I would have gladly traded some pearls for blood moss (which I ended up having to purchase at the bazaar), or for grendelweed now.
You can already sell them at the bazaar making them tradable could start a new scam of people hording the spawns and trading them to those who do not have the friends or have to time to compete. This is your typical corner the market scam Why sell your scrap iron (which seems to one of the harder reagants to mine when you can sell them for tcards?
No I think they should sell them. or make them more available. I have lost interest in farming beyond a certain level. Its one thing to farm of one RARE drop but when you need 60 of those same drops that is too time consuming. KI likes to think that its player stay on for hours but in reality many may do a few hours a day but no one wants to commit all that time to one non game related side quest.
Well, they can try to hoard them, but they can't be in all the realms at once. I'm in the Pacific Time Zone, so I do the majority of my reagent hunting after 10:00 PM, when most of the Eastern Time Zone kiddies are offline for the night.
A simple solution to a potential hoarding of rare reagents is to either remove from Wizard City all reagents that spawn rares, or add more spawn points for these same reagents in other worlds (red mandrake in Mooshu, for example).
To be honest, the only time I've experienced hoarding of reagents was while I was working on the three-part DS crafting quest. I saw lots of low level players racing around, trying to grab up all the red mandrake (blood moss) in Colossus Boulevard.
Why? What's the point? I asked a few if they were doing the DS crafting quest like I was, and they all said, "no, just grabbing it to sell at the bazaar".
Ultimately, this behavior was nothing more than a speed bump for me, but it was still annoying to say the least. If they want to get money in the game, then why aren't they fighting monsters or completing quests?
Remove the rares from low-level areas so the low-level players won't be tempted/distracted by them, and then the higher-level players doing the crafting quests might actually be able to find the required reagants.
I can see where this would be taken advantage of, but I would love to be able to trade my regients.
My mother can craft treasure cards, I can craft gear. She has tons of gear related regients, and I have tons of card related regients. I'd love to be able to unload all of my parchments and such on her as much as she'd like to get those spider silks out of her inventory, but right now all we can do is sit there and talk to eachother.
"Did you put them on the bazaar yet?" "Yeah, I listed them, do you see them?" "No." "are you looking at the..." "Holy hiccuping henchmen batman! One-thousand thirty five gold for THAT?!" "For what?" "For the stuff you posted." "Are you kidding?" "I wish I was. How many did you post?" "Twelve" "There's only four here... what the, they're gone?" "Oh dear..."
I agree your conversation of the bazaar fawn that's the problem people buy it up like it's candy wheather they need it or not. Same thing as when the bazaar opened with clother levels 45-50, now all that's left is rejected stuff no one cares to own. People shouldn't be able to purchase anything they don't currently need or can use. this would put a stop to the hording madness. unless you are level 40 or up in DS you don't need pearls. Unless you are level 35+ in fire do you realy need a level 35+ fire hat? something needs to be done about this.
This is a great idea to make them tradeable because of some reagents are specific to some schools and other people may have what you need and may find a use for what you dont want. Either way only trading cards is a limitation. There should be other ways to trade.
Rather than tradeable, I'd like to be able to share what I collect with the other wizard(s) on my account. Forget buying at the bazaar, you can't get the rare things that you need there if you tried all day. I spent hours, days and weeks accumulating scrap iron and diamonds. Now working on Black Pearls. I should be able to share what I collect with my other wizard(s) on the same account.
Rather than tradeable, I'd like to be able to share what I collect with the other wizard(s) on my account. Forget buying at the bazaar, you can't get the rare things that you need there if you tried all day. I spent hours, days and weeks accumulating scrap iron and diamonds. Now working on Black Pearls. I should be able to share what I collect with my other wizard(s) on the same account.
Moira StormWeaver GrandMaster
I fully agree with this. When I was working on collecting all those diamonds for the DS quest, I took time out to play one of my wizard city characters and saw an ore in a cave and got a diamond. I so wished i could put it in a shared reagent bag! Same goes with black pearls now (finally done with the diamond recipe). I only plan to go through the DS crafting with my one character because of the insanity of those quests, but when other characters my same account get what that character needs I just cringe inside.
Rather than tradeable, I'd like to be able to share what I collect with the other wizard(s) on my account. Forget buying at the bazaar, you can't get the rare things that you need there if you tried all day. I spent hours, days and weeks accumulating scrap iron and diamonds. Now working on Black Pearls. I should be able to share what I collect with my other wizard(s) on the same account.
Moira StormWeaver GrandMaster
I think this would be great. While playing my first wizard (School of Fire), I became stuck on a quest. I created another wizard (School of Ice) to see if things would be different for the other wizard. Long story short, eventually I completed the quest with the first wizard but now I have reagents in one that I could really use in the other. If I could put them in the shared bank that would be great.
What I think would help a lot is way to turn your 200 cat tails into 20 scrap iron or something. Turn the easier to find stuff into rare stuff, but at a high set amount so it's still challenging but not rediculous. I agree with being able to use reagents with all characters in one account, but I also think that they should be trade-able with friends as well as gear. Because when you're a death wizard and your wife is ice and she has a really good death robe and I have a really good ice robe but neither of us can use them we have to sell them and there will be no way either of us can afford to buy what the other sold because it's 20 times what we sold them for and we're out of gold from buying reagents...(AHEM)...and spending it on potion which the games do refill, but it takes forever and the amount of gold you get from the games isn't worth it anyway. I mean 24 gold for playing to level 8 and have 5 more to go before level 9? There's a lot that needs to be fixed in the game.
A simple solution to a potential hoarding of rare reagents is to either remove from Wizard City all reagents that spawn rares, or add more spawn points for these same reagents in other worlds (red mandrake in Mooshu, for example).
To be honest, the only time I've experienced hoarding of reagents was while I was working on the three-part DS crafting quest. I saw lots of low level players racing around, trying to grab up all the red mandrake (blood moss) in Colossus Boulevard.
Why? What's the point? I asked a few if they were doing the DS crafting quest like I was, and they all said, "no, just grabbing it to sell at the bazaar".
This is no solution.
There are legitimate uses for red mandrake, beyond the DS quests. I remember circling Collosus to manufacture Leprechaun cards. Blood Mosses were few and far between back then, but if that's their reason so be it.
Ultimately, this behavior was nothing more than a speed bump for me, but it was still annoying to say the least. If they want to get money in the game, then why aren't they fighting monsters or completing quests?
Remove the rares from low-level areas so the low-level players won't be tempted/distracted by them, and then the higher-level players doing the crafting quests might actually be able to find the required reagants.
You know what? I wouldn't mind low level characters grabbing up Blood Moss for sale at all. It would save me a bunch of time. Rare items like Diamonds, Springs, Black Pearls, Blood Moss and Grendelweed are all terribly underpriced -- people hang around Elik's ready to swoop and grab the reagent almost as soon as Elik gets it. If Elik raised the Bazaar price (like any real shopkeeper would do), more people would collect the hard-to-get items, and some would be available for sale (though not necessarily at the price everybody might want to pay).
No, a real shopkeeper would find other sources of these highly valued and rare reagents from elsewhere in the spirial and charge through the nose. If he charged 2000 for a blood moss, you would have to decide: find or buy. For someone in DS, 2000 isn't really much, as you can easily earn enough for 5 blood moss in a day's play. For those with new characters, well, they have a tough decision, house or craft or clothes, etc....