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Crafting Tapestries and Much More...

Sep 18, 2010
I've wondered, will we ever be able to craft the Tapestries like the MB Hub and Merle's Tower?

And something new I want to see, new music boxes. Currently we only have a WC Music Box but how about a MS, KR, or even and AV? (Mooshu, Khrysalis, Avalon) Just some thoughts...

And one request, can you allow us to do the KR Gardening quest even before rank 15? I just want something to do...and it's taking a while at the moment to level. So I'd appreciate if you did... :)

~Sincerely, Hunter the Verdant Emerald...

Mar 07, 2009
Neat suggestions! Although, I would like to inform you that there are already music scrolls for Mooshu and Avalon; you can purchase them through the bazaar.

-Kelsey Spritecatcher, level 52 Thaumaturge

Sep 07, 2011
I love this idea! I would be VERY keen to have Tapestries to some of the places I often go. They have been given out on fan sites, but I have never had any luck.