I have finished all 5 boxes quests and am trying to figure out what I need to do to get those "epic rewards" that were mentioned. So far all I have found is the pogo stick reciepes from Rose Piper. That's all she seems to have and the Professor doesn't seem to have anything either. Did I miss something somewhere?
I have finished all 5 boxes quests and am trying to figure out what I need to do to get those "epic rewards" that were mentioned. So far all I have found is the pogo stick reciepes from Rose Piper. That's all she seems to have and the Professor doesn't seem to have anything either. Did I miss something somewhere?
Yes, the bosses drop crown gear, new housing items, unique treasure cards, teleporters, and rare reagents.
I got a couch potato seed, Sylvia Spitfire[click] reportedly drops Greenwarden's items (super high pet energy), and there are probably more undocumented good things!
There is also massive experience; the level 80+ one gives about 120,000 exp. From level 80 to 81, you need about 377,000 experience, so that's quite huge!
As with most farming events, what you get is a chance at good rewards, not a guarantee. So it's no surprise if someone running the events happens not to get very much.
I think the mount recipes are good, but even those require luck and time to get the ingredients. From the battles, I have received reagents, some items (that were mostly good to sell) some new TC, and the fun of a new area. I also got a seven-day pogo stick, which is fun but not really "epic" as you say.
It would be nice to get a list somewhere of what the possible goodies are that these instances can give you -- I suppose we might have to wait for the W101Central wiki page to be made (or one on Duelist, or the other sites). I haven't checked for these yet myself -- has anyone else?
Overall, I love this event. But I agree that the rewards seem a little sketchy still.