It's Halloween in Wizard101!
It's the time of the year for Halloween, and that means fun things are happening in Wizard101! All your favorite Halloween friends are back with their ghostly items to get your Wizard into the Halloween Spirit. Plus we have all your favorite Halloween quests!
There are lots of Halloween decorations, bubbling cauldrons, apple tubs, pumpkins and ghosts and surprises all over Wizard City. But beware, a boss is waiting to test your skills!
Fun Halloween Quests!
See Dworgyn for an awesome Halloween Quest!
Wizards level 13 and above, can you defeat the evil Nosferabbit?
The vegetables Farmer Tarley planted in the Haunted Cave aren't behaving like they should... is something amiss? Wizards level 13 and above should visit Dworgyn, the Death Professor, in Nightshade to pick up this Halloween quest. Defeat the evil Nosferabbit at the end and you have a chance at a special item drop! Wizards who complete this quest will receive a Frankenbunny pet!
Halloween Costumes!
For all your Halloween parties and fancy events, we have fun costumes for your Wizards! This Vampire and Mummy gear set is bundled together with no stats so your Wizard can stitch the perfect powers to their spooky costume. You can find them in the Crown Shop!
Spooky Bob Returns to the Spiral
Spooky Bob is back with your favorite Halloween pets, weapons and other treats in the Wizard City Shopping District. Plus these three powerful Halloween pets in the Crown Shop:
- Nightmare
- Zombie Piggle
- Ghost Dragon
Jack Hallow in the Ravenwood Commons!
I'd also like to introduce you to Jack Hallow. He's just here for a few weeks so be sure to talk to him the next time you come to school. You can find him in the Ravenwood Commons.
He'll send you on many adventures, throughout all the different zones of Wizard City. Free to Play players can participate in most of these adventures, while Members can complete the entire story, if they prove their strength!
Special Halloween Mystery Fish!
The waters of Wizard City are lurking with special mystery Halloween fish for your Wizard to catch this year. Some of these fish are so spooky you may want to put them back in the water!