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Game Fan Fiction

7 Wizards by Hunter Ashblood

When Jason woke up, he saw an old man with a long white beard staring at him.

“Whoa, what, what’s going on?” Jason asked with a lost look on his face.

“Oh, you have been accepted to the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts young wizard”, said the old man.

Wait, wizard?! Jason was very confused as to what was going on. He looked at his surroundings and noticed a brown wooden desk to his right that was filled with towers of books and papers. He then looked to his left and saw a banner that had the name of the school the old man mentioned. Ravenwood.

The old man noticed the distress on the young boys face so he introduced himself in order to help the boy feel less worried. “Oh, I haven’t properly introduced myself yet, I am Merle Ambrose, the Headmaster of this school.”

“Oh, um, I am Jason Thundersword and I might have to change my name to Jason the Confused because truthfully I don’t know what’s going on.” Jason hoped that sounded like a cry for help because it really was.

“Well, Jason, you have been accepted to Ravenwood in order to study magic and hopefully become a talented young wizard. I know this is a lot to take in and I don’t think and I don’t have much time to explain it all so I will quickly give you your spell book and your wand. Gamma!”, screamed Ambrose, “bring the young man’s necessities!”

An owl flew out from a room behind Jason, while carrying a brown leather book in one claw and a wand in the other.

“Here you go Ambrose” said the owl. “I got a feeling we were receiving a new student today so I had these ready just in case.”

“Why thank you Gamma” said Ambrose. “Here young wizard, you will be requiring these.” Ambrose gave Jason the book and the wand. “Now, a young lady that goes by the name Savannah Greenleaf is waiting for you out side. She will give you a tour of our campus and help you understand magic a bit more. So, Gamma, please show our new student outside so we can talk about that thing.”

A grim look fell over Gamma’s face. “Okay, Headmaster Ambrose.” Gamma flew over to Jason’s left and opened the door.

Jason walked towards the door but was stopped by Gamma.

“Please wizard”, Gamma said worriedly, “Stay safe.” Then he flew back to Ambrose.

Jason didn’t quite understand Gamma’s warning, but he didn’t think about it too much because he was too mesmerized by what he was seeing outside.


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