Book of the Month This is the September 2013 installment of my Book of the Month Club. These books have been suggested by a fellow Librarian from Earth, her name is Kit Ward-Crixell and she is a librarian in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.
When Dinos Dawned, Mammals Got Munched, and Pterosaurs Took Flight: A Cartoon Prehistory of Life in the Triassic by Hannah Bonner is our book of the month.
Wow, this book's title is almost as long as the book! And it actually talks about a lot more than just dinosaurs. Dinosaurs showed up about halfway through the Triassic period, and this book explains how it happened, and what happened to the plants, bugs, and sea creatures at the time too.
If you like it, check out her other books (with long titles too) When Fish Got Feet, Sharks Got Teeth, and Bugs Began to Swarm and When Bugs Were Big, Plants Were Strange, and Tetrapods Stalked the Earth. You'll learn a lot and laugh too!
Look for this book in your school or local library and enjoy reading, young Wizards! |