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03 September 2013 - LXI

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We are thrilled to celebrate Wizard101’s Fifth birthday!
To celebrate we have planned a month long party that includes a free Confetti Cannon Housing Item for everyone, plus additional rewards based on how long you've been a Wizard!


This item must be claimed before September 30th 2013.

Celebrate with our Fansites


Want free stuff?

Visit our Fansites and participate in their contests!

Many of our official fansites will be holding contests throughout the month of September!

Visit each site, listed here to the right, to see what contests they are offering and how to enter to win prizes like new hairstyles, Mastery and Exalted Amulets, and even Crowns!*

*all Crowns are non-transferrable between accounts within a family of accounts.

Important Message from Merle

Wizard101 Headmaster Merle Ambrose

Hello young Wizards!

I'm calling a very important matter to your attention, even more important than defeating Malistaire and Morganthe. You must keep your account information private, or you won't be able to help us in the Spiral! Please read carefully, discuss this with your friends and family and heed this cautionary warning.

The popularity of any game brings with it those who seek to take advantage of other players. We have many ongoing safeguards to protect players from sharing personal and account information within the games; however it is up to you to keep your account information safe outside of the games.

We'd like to take this opportunity to remind our players that any website offering you Crowns, Memberships and items for free or at a discount should not be trusted. Anyone that asks for your password is clearly doing nothing more than trying to steal from you. Anyone that asks you to download a program to cheat at the game is cheating you. Don’t fall for it! It will cost you your account, your characters, your pets and all your other hard-earned game rewards.

Theft is never ok, and players found to be in receipt of stolen goods will be sanctioned. It is up to you to keep your account information private, and if your account is found purchasing or interacting with any of these fraudulent websites your account will be banned.

Be sensible and ask yourselves if this person or website is really going to give you an item worth real money for free or for less than you can buy it regularly. The answer is no, they're not. They're going to take your account away and disappear, or worse, use your account to scam other people. It's not a very nice thing to do, but the only way an account can get compromised is if you share your account information with someone. Some people mistakenly call this a hack. To be clear, giving someone else your account information is account sharing. This violates the Terms of Use and will result in your account being banned. You are fully responsible for all activities conducted through your account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and for any use of your password to gain access to your account and your account information.

Not sure if a site is safe? Visit our list of approved affiliate sites at


Harold Argleston's Book of the Month Club


Book of the Month

Harold Argleston, Librarian
This is the September 2013 installment of my Book of the Month Club. These books have been suggested by a fellow Librarian from Earth, her name is Kit Ward-Crixell and she is a librarian in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.

When Dinos Dawned, Mammals Got Munched, and Pterosaurs Took Flight: A Cartoon Prehistory of Life in the Triassic by Hannah Bonner is our book of the month.

Wow, this book's title is almost as long as the book! And it actually talks about a lot more than just dinosaurs. Dinosaurs showed up about halfway through the Triassic period, and this book explains how it happened, and what happened to the plants, bugs, and sea creatures at the time too.

If you like it, check out her other books (with long titles too) When Fish Got Feet, Sharks Got Teeth, and Bugs Began to Swarm and When Bugs Were Big, Plants Were Strange, and Tetrapods Stalked the Earth. You'll learn a lot and laugh too!

Look for this book in your school or local library and enjoy reading, young Wizards!

Message Board Names


Make a Name for Yourself!

Before our current paying players can post on the Wizard101 official Message Boards, you need to create a name for yourself!

If you log into the Message Boards from Monday to Friday, you will be offered the option to create a Message Board Name.

This is the name that will be displayed when you make a new post or reply to an existing post. You will only be able to set this Message Board Name once so choose carefully. Do not use your real name.

Creating a Message Board Name does not change the account information you use to log into the website or game!

Message Board Names are subject to the following terms & conditions:
  1. Your Message Board Name can only contain letters, numbers and spaces.
  2. Your Message Board Name cannot contain profanity or personal information. Do not use your real name.
  3. You can submit your current account name as your Message Board Name, but we do not recommend you do so.
  4. All Message Board Names are moderated. If the Message Board Name you submit is rejected, you will be required to enter a new one the next time you visit the Message Boards.
  5. The approval or denial of a Message Board Name submission is completely at our discretion.

Want to read the comic from the beginning? Visit the Abracadoodle Archives!

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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