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01 September 2012 - Volume XLIX


It's our Fourth Birthday!

We're celebrating Wizard101's Fourth Birthday with a free housing item for you! Enjoy this Krokotopia ship housing item in honor of our upcoming game, Pirate101!


This item must be claimed before September 4th 2012.

Introducing Hall Monitors


Hall Monitors

Something we take very seriously at KingsIsle is making sure that the Spiral is a fun and appropriate place for Players of all ages.

We are expanding our current reporting tools for a select group of players who have earned the privilege of being a “Hall Monitor”. This group of players will operate anonymously and anyone claiming to be a Hall Monitor is certainly not one at all. Report anyone who claims they are a Hall Monitor.

These Hall Monitors, who are selected by invitation only, will have the ability to take direct action when they see behavior that violates our Terms of Use. This action includes warning and muting players who circumvent our chat filters. These sanctions will be reviewed by our senior Wizards to ensure the correct action was taken, and may escalate sanctions as necessary.

Hall Monitors are not to be confused with other player initiated reporting groups and the basic reporting function will still be available to our current Members and players who have made a purchase of Crowns in the last 30 days. We will continue to be diligent to keep the Spiral a clean and safe place for all our young Wizards.

Harold Argleston's Book of the Month Club

Harold Argleston, Librarian
This is the September 2012 installment of my Book of the Month Club. These books have been suggested by a fellow Librarian from Earth, her name is Kit Ward-Crixell and she is a librarian in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.

Moving on to books that remind us of Avalon, our book this month is The Sword in the Stone by T.H. White. If you've ever seen the movie "The Sword in the Stone", this book will seem familiar to you, because the movie is based on this book.

But don't let that stop you - the book has a LOT more in it, like Robin Wood (not Hood!) and Marian, the snake T. Natrix, and lots and lots of stories from Merlyn.

Don't worry if you don't understand all the words; the book was written a long time ago (1938!) and uses some different words than we use today. Just read along for the great adventures!

Look for this book in your school or local library and enjoy reading, young Wizards!

What I did in Wizard101 on my School Break.

nullnull Many of our players have been on holiday from school, and have spent that time at Ravenwood School of Magical Arts learning how to be a Wizard.

Log in and tell us - what did you do in Wizard101 during your school break?

We will pick some of the best stories to be featured on our website!

Characters left that you can type into this field

New Elixir


New Elixir

Want more houses but already have the maximum of three? Now you can buy an Additional Castle Space Elixir!

After you've purchased three houses, using this elixir will unlock another space that will let you buy another house. These are permanent and you can use as many as you like, however remember you can only own one of each type of house. This potion is Crowns only as it is a permanent expansion of what is currently available to all players.

Quest Guides


Quest Guides

Having a tough time with a dungeon or quest?

Our incredible fansites, (sites run by players of Wizard101) have very detailed Quest Guides for each world.

Visit Wizard101 Central's related guides, tips and walkthroughs and get all the tips you need to defeat that boss!

Update Your Email


Update your Contact Info

The only way to get email about your Wizard101 account is to make sure that the email address you gave us is still valid.

Please take a moment to log into the website and click My Accounts. Make sure your contact info is up to date and accurate.



Want to read the comic from the beginning? Visit the Abracadoodle Archives!

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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