We’re now moving away from covering Wizard City and its revamp, and beginning to focus on the new world of Empyrea with the zone of Aeriel Shores! Now that Empyrea Part 2 is out, you'll be able to fully explore all that this area has to offer. Have a look below at some of the useful background about Aeriel Shores:

Name:Aeriel Shores
Location: Aeriel Shores is the first location you will visit upon entering Empyrea.
Description: Travel to and from Empyrea is extremely difficult, but not impossible. After Captain Coleridge returned from Empyrea, brave souls from across the Spiral braved the Aethyr storms, hoping to travel to the legendary world. Most of them ended up shipwrecked on the shores of Aeriel. The ragged castaways banded together and built a new home out of debris, as well as a stout wall to keep the Beastmen of the Aeriel Jungle far away. The castaways, joined by wayward Kalamar and Dwarves from within Empyrea, founded a new community: the village of Nowhere.
The castaways have a precarious relationship with the Beastmen: little grows in the bitter sands of the beaches, so food is rare, and the Beastmen make forays into the jungle dangerous. The jungle, however, is marshy enough that most of the water in it is not fit to drink. The castaways of Nowhere have rigged up a cistern and filter that produces pure water – the best source on the island. The castaways and Beastmen could forge a mutually beneficial relationship... but only if they can overcome the Beastmen’s hostility.
When the Spiral Ark crashed on Aeriel shores, the Wizard helped set up a new World Door that gives easy access to Empyrea from the rest of the Spiral. What effects this new access will have remains to be seen. In the meantime, Aeriel Shores serves as a crucial travel hub for the Wizard and the Spiral Ark’s crew as they explore the wonders of Empyrea and try to end the conflict between Grandmother Raven and Grandfather Spider.
NPCs to check out: Presporo and Miranda
Quests: The Beastie Boys gauntlet (it’s triggered in Aeriel Jungle, but plays here). |