April showers bring May flowers, as they say! Summer is almost here and we hope you are enjoying sunny skies. In Wizard101, April brought lots of shiny new updates including the Jewel Socketing system, One-Shot Gauntlets, Lava Fishing, Join a Team, Skeleton Key Bosses and more! And for the flower aficionados of the Spiral, new planters were added that hold up to three plants. Have you found any creative ways to use these new decorative planters? We’d love to see the clever combinations of plants that you display. Send your screenshots to us via email at community@wizard101.com.
Pet Hatching
Helpful Hybrid Hints
On the last episode of KingsIsle Live, we had a question about little known facts in Wizard101. This got us to thinking about all of the hidden hybrids waiting to be found in the Pet Hatchery. Hybrid pets result from hatching two adult pets and getting a result that is not the same as either of the two parent pets. This can be an entirely unique pet, only available through hatching a hybrid, such as the Archfiend, Grimzilla, Lifezilla and many others. Hybrids can also be a pet that is different from the two adults hatched that isn’t unique, but provides another avenue for obtaining a desired pet. An example of these that we shared on KI Live was the combination of the Black Spider and a Clockwork Golem that can result in a Spider Golem. Also, two Red Gobblers can hatch a Pet Rock and a Minotaur and Treant have the possibility of hatching a Life Minotaur. We shared that there are 100 of these types of combinations that have yet to be discovered in game!
For those studious Wizards of the Hatchery, below are a few more hints for combinations that may produce unexpected results. Remember, hybrids can be rare so if you don’t get it the first time, don’t give up. Good luck, Wizards and happy hatching!
Frostman + Seraph = ?
Black Cat + Christmas Elf = ?
Fire Elf + Grumpy Snowman = ?
Pale Maiden + Dragon = ?
Krok + Brown Spider = ?
Tough Troll + Brown Spider = ?
Official Fan Site Exclusives
New Teleport Tapestries
Teleport Tapestries are those handy dandy housing items that can help you hop around the Spiral more easily. There are many available through crafting already, but we’ve added 13 new Tapestries in the latest game update. They will eventually have recipes to be crafted as well, but for now these can only be acquired through contests held by official Wizard101 fan sites!
The new Tapestries go to popular locations throughout the Spiral including: the Pet Hatchery, Castle Tours, the Dye Shop, Vestrilund, Zocalo, Bastion, Crescent Beach, Floating Mountains, Drum Jungle, Dragonspyre Academy, Crustacean Empire, the Floating Land and Crab Alley.
Get to know the Professor of Myth Magic, Cyrus Drake in this episode of Ravenwood Roll Call.
What's happening in the community?
Around the Spiral
This month on KI Live, Professor Greyrose and Dworgyn do some Dragonspyre fishing, defeat the new skeleton key boss Lambent Fire and have an interview with one of the game designers who helped design these new battles. Check out the recorded version on our YouTube channel.
With the latest update to Wizard101, fan sites have been hard at work covering all the details.
Need help with advanced fishing techniques? Read this detailed guide to Lava Fishing from Mercenaries for Hire.
Three new skeleton key bosses were added in the latest update and Mercenaries for hire have your guides to Aphrodite, Takanobu, and Lambent Fire.
Paige Moonshade shares her favorite things from the latest update, including the new hairstyles.
Ditto Wizard learns about Jewel Socketing in his latest video.
Spiral Radio discusses the latest updates to Wizard101 in Episode 32.
Blaze Lifehammer explains how the new Jewel stats work in his latest YouTube video.
For Earth Day, Stars in the Spiral wrote a guide to being an environmentally conscious gamer.
Frostcaller digs deeper into what we’ve learned about Professor Lydia Greyrose and Karamelle.
Eric Stormbringer speculates about the future of the Fire school in 1v1 PVP at Duelist101.
On April 18, fan sites gathered together for lots of fun and activities all over the Spiral for the first ever Fansite Festival. Thanks to everyone who hosted and participated in the event! If you missed out, Swordroll provided an excellent recap in gifs.
Chrissy wrote about embracing your inner “noob” for Adventures of the Spiral.
Jace gives a tour of his Winter Wind Tower decorations as a guest post on Paige Moonshade’s blog.
Zenmaster Blue takes a hilarious look at the Jeweled Scarab mount in a new video.
Art in the Spiral featured fan artist Keira Breeze, including this drawing of Keira and her friend Amber Firesword. Great job Keira!