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02 Jun 2014 - LXX



Welcome to the June Ravenwood Bulletin Newsletter. June, as always, is all about pets! We start the month off with our annual Pet-a-palooza event!
  1. New Fennec Fox and Pesky Beetle pets arrive in the Crown Shop
  2. The Evil Sandman pet is back for the summer
  3. Purreau's Plentiful Pet Provision Pack, Snack Packs & Mega Snack Packs on sale
  4. Get a free Pet Snack each weekday with a chance to win a Mega Snack Pack!
Learn more at

Grub Guardian


Pets on the Go!

Did you know you can train your pets from your phone or tablet device? Download Grub Guardian and log in with your Wizard101 account to train your pets!

If you build it...


If you build it...

nullThe hot topic this month is the new bundle prepaid card available at Gamestop stores across the USA. This bundle card, along with some pretty amazing gear, comes with a very special feature - Castle Blocks!

These Castle Blocks comprise the castle that appears on the plot of land, which can be torn down and built up in any way you like! There are different types of blocks available, from walls and floors to roof pieces and even secrets! What can you build?

Learn more at

June Bugs


June Bugs

Can you hear them? Can you see them? It seems bugs always creep into places you don't want them, and that goes for games too!

See a spelling mistake or a floating reagent? Hear chat that doesn't match the words on the screen? We have a special place for you to post all that information on our official Halston's Laboratory section of the Wizard101 Message Boards.

Not a paying player? You can email us bugs too. Just send an email to and include screenshots and a description of what you found!

Click to Give


Friends in Need

While you're enjoying your pets in game, remember there are animals in the real world that need your help too.

It's easy, all you have to do is click and sponsors* will make donations to help save animals. You can click the button once a day.


*KingsIsle Entertainment is not a sponsor, and is not affiliated with GreaterGood Network.

Only you can prevent account theft

Play with Marleybone Bobbie in Wizard101

Sage Advice

The popularity of any game brings with it those who seek to take advantage of other players. We have many ongoing safeguards to protect players from sharing personal and account information within the games, however it is up to you to keep your account information safe outside of the games.

We'd like to take this opportunity to remind our players of the following:
  1. Any website or social media user offering you Crowns, Memberships and items for free or at a discount should not be trusted. Our Official Fansites are an exception to this, as we provide them with the codes directly, and they run contests and promotions with our knowledge and permission.

  2. Anyone that asks for your password is clearly doing nothing more than trying to steal from you. KingsIsle will never ask you for your password - we don't need it!

  3. Anyone that asks you to download a program to cheat at the game is cheating you, and they may be stealing more than just your Wizard101 account information!

  4. If it seems too good to be true, it's probably an exploit or fraud. Don’t fall for it, it will cost you your account, your characters, your pets and all your other hard-earned game rewards.

Theft is never ok, and players found to be in receipt of stolen goods will be sanctioned. It is up to you to keep your account information private, and if your account is found purchasing or interacting with any of these fraudulent websites or users then your account will be sanctioned. Once again, if it seems too good to be true, it's probably an exploit or fraud.

Be sensible and ask yourselves if this person or website is really going to give you an item worth real money for free or for less than you can buy it regularly. The answer is no, they're not. They're going to take your account away and disappear, or worse, use your account to scam other people. It's not a very nice thing to do, but the only way an account can get compromised is if you share your account information with someone. Some people mistakenly call this a hack. To be clear, giving someone else your account information is account sharing. This violates the Terms of Use and will result in your account being banned. nullYou are fully responsible for all activities conducted through your account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and for any use of your password to gain access to your account and your account information.

Please heed our cautionary tale and protect your account information, or you will find yourself banned from all KingsIsle games.

Not sure if a site is safe? Visit our list of approved affiliate sites at



Want to read the comic from the beginning? Visit the Abracadoodle Archives!

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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