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01 January 2017


Casting Our Magic into 2017!

Are you ready for another great year in Wizard101? 2017 is here, and Wizard101 plans to continue to grow and treat its players with new features and worlds to explore! As stated in the recent Producer’s Letter from Professor Falmea, “We’ve already been talking about what’s coming to the Spiral in 2017 and we’re super excited to get started on it. You may get by with a little help from some new friends. You may be inspired to travel the worlds of the Spiral again with renewed purpose. You will certainly have new foes to battle, new allies to collaborate with, and new powerful items to seek out. We’ve been scouring the forums for feedback, and are already working on the initial stages of our devious plan to create lots of fun content and improve the game next year, so stay tuned."

As for the Spiral’s Winter Season, it will soon be time to put away our Yuletide decorations and say “See ya’ next year!” to the new Krampus event. We had an incredible 12 Days of the Spiral celebration this year that was one of our most giving ever as players had more days of giveaways than in previous years. (We hope you were able to claim your gifts in time!) We were also amazed with the creativity shown in our Tree Topper art contest! In case you missed it, you can see all the winners on our recent blog post.


Also, thank you to everyone for joining us for our special Christmas KI Live! It’s never too early to start training up your perfect snowball pet for next year’s race, so be sure to read the champion’s tips on how to make the perfect snowball ( . . . although beating Vanessa Mythdust’s now famous snowball “King Belle” will be a truly difficult task).

We’ll be hosting another KI Live in January and hope to see you all there . . . until then, see you in Mirage, Wizards!


Mini-Developer Interviews


Developer Spotlight: Katie Roberts

Name: Katie Roberts

Favorite thing about Wizard101: My favorite thing about Wizard101 is the storyline, characters and environments. The team has created such an imaginative and engaging world.

Favorite thing about working at KingsIsle: My favorite thing about working at KingsIsle has got to be all the amazing co-workers I’ve been able to work with. Every team is packed with talent, accepting of my ideas, and everyone is just so fun to work with.

What is your proudest accomplishment? My proudest accomplishment is succeeding at becoming a Game Designer. I had not planned to work in the gaming industry, but always loved playing games (especially RPGs). I found my life leading me towards the direction of game design, and I worked very hard teaching myself an editor at home. I still work constantly to improve my skills, and look forward to teaching myself more in depth C# programming, modeling and 2D art. I’m very proud of how far I’ve come, and my self-motivation.

What is your favorite book to read? I’m an avid reader, so picking a favorite is difficult, but I can say that one of my favorites recently (and I recommend it to people that hate reading) is Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Although I have critiques about how the creation of the MMO in the novel is constructed, I realize that it is Science Fiction, and I’m probably too close to the subject matter (working on an MMO, myself). I read Steven Spielberg is directing the movie adaptation to Ready Player One and I’m really curious about how they’ll transition the world from a novel to the big screen.

What did you want to be when you were small? I wasn’t always interested in game design. In fact, I had no idea the job “Game Designer” existed when I was younger. My mother and great aunt took me to see the musical, Cats, and I fell in love with theatre, and decided I was going to star on Broadway in Cats. Up until 6 years ago, I was still pursuing acting, but grew tired of the stress involved in film auditions. That’s when I started looking into game design. I still do have the acting bug, and at some point, would love to grace the stage or screen again.


Screenshot Favorites


Screenshot of the Month!

We receive a lot of screen shots every month and are always impressed with your passion for the perfect shot. We’re starting a new feature where we will be featuring our favorite screenshot every month here in the Newsletter. As a reminder, please only send us your best three screenshots every month to if you’d like to participate. For more tips, check out this blog post with helpful screen shot hints.

This month’s screenshot comes from Alia Deathwraith, who really captured the feel of the season and “the hottest place to be” in Wizard101 during Yuletide 2016. Great screenshot, Alia!


Fan Art Spotlight


Fan Art Spotlight

Each month we also receive a lot of great Fan Art to our address. These are uploaded to our Pinterest page and Facebook. Everyone does a great job, but each month we’d like to spotlight some of our great creative talent in the Spiral. This month Sabrina Twyla sent us a beautiful concept of her Wizard101 character named Sabrina.


What's up in the Community?


By the Community, For the Community

This month we’d like to share a special place that you may not know about where you can go to get great links that are “by the community, for the community.” Each month the “Community Newsletter” publishes a list of links about KingsIsle games in an email. Note that this newsletter is not directly associated or sponsored by KingsIsle Entertainment, and they like it that way! It’s a newsletter run by community members who wish to provide you with “unbiased selections and information.”

Be sure to visit and follow their Twitter page for all the details:

To subscribe to their newsletter, send a Direct Message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”

The following links are all those that were shared in this past month’s newsletter:

FrostCaller’s Wizard101 & Pirate101: Best of 2016

Welcome to Wizard City from The Untold Spiral

Sands of Doom: A Guide to Grandfather Spider from The Untold Spiral

Top 5 Most Interesting Worlds of the Spiral in Wizard101 from the Nordic Champion Blog

Wizard101: New Winter Wonder Pack! Snowbunny Mount & Pet by Blaze LifeHammer

Wizard101 Theory: What Happened to Morganthe?!

Wizard101: Secrets of Krokotopia by Zenmaster blue

Frostcaller’s Yuletide Festival in Wizard101 & Pirate101

Housing Magic: An Introduction by Peridot on Duelist101

Investigating Critical Hit Chance by Alexander Hexforge

Merry Krampus by Vanessa Mythdust on The Untold Spiral

Wizard101 Santa Run 2016 Recap by FrostCaller

Pro Tips from An Experience Snowball Racer by The Untold Spiral

2016 Christmas Season Farming by Alexander Hexforge Pirate101 Gives Us a Free New Mount!? By The Fiesty Orange

Wizard101: Top 10 Favorite Mounts by ZenMaster Blue

Wizard101: Secret Dungeon Explains Why Manders Were Slaves by AwesomeTheSauce

Pirate101 Ashes of the Armada Pack Opening #2 by The Fiesty Orange

Top Five Unexplained Mysteries in Wizard101 by Awesome The Sauce

Wizard101: 4x The Blessings! Testing the new maycast/multicast wands by Blaze LifeHammer

All the Zeke and Eloise Quests by misthead on Duelist101

More Fishing Tips by Alexander Hexforge

"Mirage Faction Vendors Guide by Edward RubyRunner on Wizard101 Central

Spider Mage Badge advice thread by Dylan Windwalker

Why Wizard101’s Empyrea will be the last world in Arc 3 by Swordroll’s Blog

Wizard101 Game Mechanics that could use a change by Orange on Duelist101

Spiral Radio101 Episode #66 – Holiday House Confidential

Top Five Must-have Wizard101 Mirage Drops on Swordroll’s blog

Wizard101 Chronicles: Light and Shadow (Part 1) by FrostCaller

Wizard101 Chronicles: Rise of the Titans (Part 2) by FrostCaller




Want to read the comic from the beginning? Visit the Abracadoodle Archives!

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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