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December 2022





What an incredible year! Seeing this is the last newsletter of the year we hope to cover quite a bit in this month's newsletter. So, first things first, let’s chat about the release of our brand-new surreal world that formed in our Spiral!

What is Novus? Where did it come from? Why is it here? The answers to these questions will shake the very foundations of the Spiral.

Strange rocks have appeared over several worlds, each of them connected to each other through magic into Novus - a weird and wonderful world where dreams are reality. You must reach this place, master new magicks and navigate the complex politics of the Spiral Empires to preserve Novus from those who would corrupt it.

Click here for more information on the Update Notes!



They’re here! The Irks have been meticulously planning their escape from the confines of the Spiral to spread their mischief across Earth!

Celebrate the launch of Novus with the brand-new limited time Irk Plushie! These cute but deadly little creatures sure know how to get on your nerves.

Click here to Buy Now!



In this section, we wanted to highlight and show our appreciation for the interviews and press that decided to cover the new update! Take a look at them all and see what others think of the new world and features!

Interviews: Press Coverage: And more!



It’s time to cast haste and find the true meaning of speed! Over the next couple of months, we’d like to celebrate the inventive and clever group of folks that love to take a game apart at the seams. Speedrunners!

From now until 11:59pm CT January 1st, 2023 the speedrun leaderboards ( are worth Crowns! Every category of speedrun is its own leaderboard, and the top 3 spots on each of those leaderboards have a Crown bounty.

The Prizes

Players are eligible to earn Crowns for any number of categories.

The top 3 runs for each category will receive a Merit prize:
  • 1st place = 10,000 Crowns
  • 2nd place = 5,000 Crowns
  • 3rd place = 2,500 Crowns
The top 5 runs are eligible for a 2,500 Crowns Livestream bonus:
  • Technically, only the leaderboard-placing run needs to be livestreamed. However, it is highly recommended to livestream all attempts.
  • 100% of the leaderboard-placing run needs to have been livestreamed to be eligible for the bonus.
  • You must livestream to Twitch or YouTube
  • If you win 1st place in every category and livestream all those attempts, congratulations! You’ll win 62,500 Crowns!
Learn more by clicking here!


Thank you all for stopping by our final KI Live of the year! On the show, we celebrated the release of Novus and discussed the State of the Games for Wizard101 and Pirate101!

Missed the show? No worries! You can watch the recording on YouTube:

It's always a blast hanging out with the community, so let us know what you most like about KI Lives so we can continue to make them even more fun to watch.

For those who didn't get a chance to redeem the KI Live giveaway code yet, we opened it up again JOLLYSNACKS1222 for another 500 redemptions to get the KI Live Snack Pack in both Wizard101 and Pirate101!

For more videos and livestreams, be sure to subscribe to KingsIsle's YouTube channel.

Keep updated on the latest news for next month on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, including special announcements from community fansites! Read on for more fun happenings with the community and their Spiral activities.


Adam Roush is our Senior Concept Artist here at KingsIsle Entertainment. Sometimes Adam will create a series of concept art for a particular scene or character and post them on his social media. Here are a few concepts of his most recent pieces this month:


“Here's concepts for the Cat Monks of Catmandu. The early concept stage was really fun, trying out different head shapes and features.” - Adam Roush


“Here's the Zheng Mount, which is a really cool mythological 5-tailed sabertooth lion-like creature. I loved working on this mount, so much fun :)” - Adam Roush


"Novus is Live! And I know y'all have seen this a million times already, but I wanted to post it on my acct too :) This is the Conatus concept that I did early on, just playing around with a lot of "what if..."s. One of my faves from this world." - Adam Roush


"Here's a painting I did for the Catmandu Sanctuary Bundle. I used this to establish the atmosphere of this house, which I had a ton of fun designing :)" - Adam Roush


For this month’s art spotlight, we are showcasing Maks, Madison, Kayla, and Retro!


“Nucleus Gallery is in my opinion one of the coolest parts of the coolest worlds, questing in novus was such fan and the last area is cherry on top. Alexis Storm Bringer” - Maks


“New outfit - who this? LvL 20 fit truly coming together, also a new friend!” - Madison Nicole


“Glittery painting I did of The Shadoe!!”
- Kayla Marie Winds


“Small icon I made of my fav Buck Gordon, still can't believe Lemuria is almost a year old!” - Retro

We would love to see more screenshots and art from the community for next month’s newsletter. Do you have something amazing to share? Send it to us in an email to! We’re always interested in showing off more fan art, gameplay guides, videos, and other content.

Thanks, Wizards!


Community art by: Swordroll

Video Spotlight

In this section we wanted to highlight some recent, entertaining videos for the month! If you’d like to be featured in this section, start a new walkthrough, create a review on something new, or do something completely creative!

Ultimate Speedster hosted a very heartwarming Novus Roundtable with the Devs. We cover the story of how Novus appeared in the Spiral and spoiled and teased what will happen for the future of us, the Wizard!

Don’t stop there... here are some more great videos created this month!

Ultimate Speedster also created a fantastic video thank his community for his much deserved growth over the years! Thank you for being such a fantastic part of the Wizard101 and Pirate101 community. Click here to watch the video.

LiahmIsaVibe talks about why he thinks Novus is his favorite world in the game! Thank you for creating content on our game, we hear you and appreciate all the feedback. Great video! Click here to watch the video.

CheerValX created a great video showing us where to find all the Talking Heads in Novus to complete Prospector Zeke’s quest. Check it out! Click here to watch the video.

Guide Spotlight

If you need a GREAT guide, this is the place for you! Most of these guides will be up to date and are made by the community! We can’t thank you enough for creating such informative guides. We see and read everything!

Swordroll’s Blog made a great guide about the new system added into Wizard101. Archmastery is a new system in Wizard101 that allows you to gain school pips. School pips can be used as power pips for another school like Mastery Amulets, except you can change your Archmastery school even in the middle of a fight, giving you access to power pips from any school you want. Click here to check out this guide.

Final Bastion and the Wizard101 Devs collaborate for a Q&A about the ongoing Spell Audit. Answers to recent changes and upcoming expectations included! Click here to check out this guide.


Be sure to follow the game and its community on social media!

If you didn’t yet read our article on online safety, please take a moment to stop by our KingsIsle Blog and read the post titled Account Security Best Practices. There’s important information in the article to manage and protect your entire family’s accounts.




Want to read the comic from the beginning? Visit the Abracadoodle Archives!

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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