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August 2020




We love putting these newsletters together, especially when a major new game update has just been released! Along with details about the Summer Update, this month’s newsletter includes more beautiful pieces of concept art by Adam Roush, coverage of a very special KI Live, the unveiling of the next world’s name and general theme that officially kicks off Arc 4 (say what?!), and of course more great content from various community fansites and livestreamers.

We’ll be revealing more about the new world in the coming months. Meanwhile, it’s been reported that a prominent figure from the world, Nana, recently showed up on Twitter to chronicle some rather interesting and flavorful developments. Check out the sweet details below in the Nana’s new Karamelle Twitter section.

Here’s a brief list of what exciting news occurred recently:
  • JUL 8: Happy National Video Game Day
  • JUL 13: New Wyld Stallyn Emote
  • JUL 15: New Alien Piggle Pet
  • JUL 20: Christmas in July
  • JUL 22: Summer Update Live
  • JUL 22: New Celestian Spellemental Pack
  • JUL 22: Phancy Photomany Contest
  • JUL 27: New Punk Flamingo Mount
  • JUL 29: Two new Karamelle quests introduced
  • JUL 29: Nana’s Twitter account opens for business
  • JUL 30: KI Live (World of Karamelle announced)
Keep updated daily on the latest news for next month on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, including special announcements from community fansites! Read on for more fun happenings with the community and their Spiral activities.



Summertime is heating up in the Spiral with fun new content to explore in the latest Summer Update that just went live on July 22, 2020! We had perhaps more feedback for this update than we’ve had in over a year of updates. From the look of your characters to the delicate balance of Shadow spells that you’ve all come to rely upon have all been adjusted. Thanks community for the great feedback on what you thought of the changes, include the post-live update changes.

Do you enjoy creating new Wizards but wish there were more character customization options, or would like to see a bit of touchup done to your existing Wizards? How about experiencing the fun of teaming up to take on challenging new creatures, or perhaps going one-on-one in PVP?

We have new content for all these areas! Highlights of the Summer Update include:
  • New Character Experience
  • Introducing The Daily Spiral
  • New Beastmoon Monster Mayhem event
  • New Beastforms
  • Improved PVP and Chat


While we had the initial intention of talking mostly about the Summer Update, we instead ended up spilling the beans on the next world, Karamelle, and Nana’s new Twitter account! We answered many great community questions that not only cover the Summer Update and the next, but also showed off one of the two new Karamelle teaser quests in the game.

If you missed the show, watch it now on YouTube:

Secret Reader Bonus - As of this newsletter's announcement, for those who didn't get a chance to redeem the KI Live giveaway code yet, we opened it up again (SUMMERPETSNACKS2020) for another 500 redemptions!

For more videos and livestreams, be sure to subscribe to KingsIsle's YouTube channel.

A great gameplay tip submitted to KI Live comes from Dreamgalleon21154:

“There are many helpful Quest Trees out there to help you know exactly where you are in questing! If you want to know how much left you have in a world, go ahead and check out one of the fan sites' helpful quest trees.” - Dreamgalleon21154


Nana now has her own Twitter page! Her team asked us to ensure that you all follow the page for updates on their release of new tasty products. She will be sharing some very important information over the coming months about Karamelle and her company, and if she’s in a good mood, may also possibly give out the occasional treat sample.


Nana and all workers at Nana’s Olde Fashioned Karamelle Delights thanks you for your patronage. Be sure to follow @NanasKaramelle on Twitter for more about this strange new occurrence in the Spiral!


Congrats to the winners of the 2020 Phancy Photomancy Contest! All the entries were super phancy too, so thanks to everyone that submitted their selfie screenshot. This contest was created in July to present the new Summer Update character looks that Wizards now have.

Drum Roll please! And the Top 5 Phancy Wizards are...


Katie: “The Minstrel and her loyal, royal pet strum, a musical PETformance for the King!”


Khandy: “Randolf is jealous that you’ve become the most successful Wizard, not to mention being the Scion of Bartleby!”


Samantha Icewhisper: “Judgmental Plants – My plants laugh at my outfit!”


Paul Night Hunter: “A typical life Wizard in its natural colors and habitat, out on a walk with his unicorn.”

ValeGod: “Just a cat in firecat alley!”


All Phancy Wizards received 10,000 Crowns, an Attire Bundle of their choice, and a Little Ratatoskr Pet.

Congrats also to these 10 Honorable Mentions!
  • Hatokimi
  • Kaitlyn Soulrider
  • Destiny Thunderstaff
  • Nathan Shadowbringer
  • GreenSummon
  • Raul P.
  • Ruh G.
  • Tristan J.
  • Cyan F.
All Honorable Mentions received 5,000 Crowns and a Little Ratatoskr Pet.

Thanks community for participating in this fun contest!


Adam has been busy this month creating new concept art! Just check out this cute Zorphie pet, released into the game this July 2020:


“This cute little Zorphie is the new pet in the Celestian Spellement pack. It's a crazy mishmash of creature features. I had maybe too much fun on this; I only wish I could have kept the goat eyes XD.” - Adam Roush


“Here's the tanuki pet from the Heavenly Palace Bundle. It might look like a raccoon, but it behaves like a dog, which is why it's sometimes referred to as a raccoon dog.” - Adam Roush


“The Majestic Crown mount from the Heavenly Palace Bundle. I still don't understand how their wings fold...” - Adam Roush



“Here's concepts for the Sky Castle house exterior, the main castle and complex design. Sculpted these in 3D Coat, which is a great way to quickly rough out architecture. I really enjoyed working on these!” - Adam Roush


Kyle IceWielder was quick to act once the two new Karamelle teaser quests came out. Check out his video that shows them off!


For this month’s fan art spotlight, we are showcasing John VS. The Devourer from John DragoBlood:


We would love to see more screenshots and art from the community for next month’s newsletter. Do you have something amazing to share? Send it to us in an email to! We’re always interested in showing off more fan art, gameplay guides, videos, and other content.

Thanks, Wizards!


Community art by: Swordroll

Keep updated on what’s happening in the community right here in our Community News section! For every newsletter, we receive direct from the community links to new gameplay guides, exciting upcoming contests, and much more. Thanks to the following fansites and other community leaders for their contributions this month!


Question for our readers - is there a section we should add? Tweet your suggestion to @Wizard101 and we’ll select the top idea we can implement to win 5,000 Crowns!

Be sure to follow the game and its community on social media!

If you didn’t yet read our article on online safety, please take a moment to stop by our KingsIsle Blog and read the post titled Account Security Best Practices. There’s important information in the article to manage and protect your entire family’s accounts.




Want to read the comic from the beginning? Visit the Abracadoodle Archives!

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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