| | | | | Tips & Tricks 
The month of August is upon us, and I await any Wizards who would brave the sands of Krokotopia to challenge me, Krokopatra. No doubt you've come for the Krokonomicon...oh sorry where are my manners? I'm supposed to be introducing this month's Newsletter, not taunting young Wizards!
This month we have the start of a special feature called the Producer's Letter where the Wizard101 Producer talks directly to the players. Harold Argleston has another book of the month for you to read, there's a quick tutorial on Training points and some awesome news about our fansite Wizard101 Central! Read all the details below and I'll be ready for you when you come to challenge me in Krokotopia!
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| | | | |  A new feature here at Wizard101 is the Producer's Letter. Each month, the Wizard101 Producer Leah Ruben will address the players, talk about what's going on behind the scenes and hopefully give our players a sneak peek of what's to come. Many of you have already interacted with her on the Wizard101 Message Boards, for Leah Ruben is also known as Dalia Falmea! In this month's letter, Leah introduces herself, talks about what it's like to create new worlds in Wizard101, and even has a little sneak peek of Celestia for you! Click here to read what Leah has to say, in this month's Producer's Letter. | | | | |
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 This is the August 2010 installment of my Book of the Month Club. These books have been suggested by a fellow Librarian from Earth, her name is Kit Ward-Crixell and she is a librarian in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.
This time our chosen book is a book about Dogs. Little Lions, Bull Baiters, and Hunting Hounds by Jeff Crosby – This nonfiction book, illustrated with paintings, is more than a “which dog is right for you” guidebook. It describes why people created the hunting, herding, working and companion dog breeds and how their various talents make them the dogs they are today. There are some slightly violent scenes of traditional activities like bull-baiting.
Look for this book in your school or local library and enjoy reading, young Wizards!
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Wizard101 at GenCon
 Are you going to GenCon? So are we! Meet up with us at the Beckett Magazine booth #1929, and see what surprises we have for you!
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| | | | | Wizard101 Central Birthday Party!
Our top fansite, Wizard101 Central is celebrating its second anniversary! Part of the big celebrating over on the fansite is a "Day in the Life of a Wizard" contest! For more information visit our fansite Wizard101 Central. | | | | |
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We get asked about Training Points quite often, so I thought I'd put a reminder in the Newsletter about Training Points.
Training Points are used to learn spells from outside your school of focus. In order to learn higher level spells of a school, you have to first learn the lower level spells. Just go to a teacher, and look at the spells you can learn from them.
You will receive one training point every 4 levels till 20. This means you will receive them at level 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20. After level 20, you will receive one training point every 5 levels. You can also receive training points through certain quests.
If you make a mistake, visit Mr. Lincoln in Golem Court. He will let you buy your Training Points back with Crowns, and you will lose those spells. You must be at least level 12 to buy back your Training Points and this transaction costs Crowns. | | | | |
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