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Ravenwood News

Wizard101 Dragonspyre NPC Doodle  Welcome to the Ravenwood News!

Discover here the latest news from Wizard City and from around the Spiral! Read all about new game updates, events and contests, maintenance notices @KI_Alerts, and news from our Official Fansites. Check back often!

Want even more news? Read announcements, questions, and comments on our Discord Server, as well as Twitter and Facebook.

Announcing Wintertusk

Announcing Wintertusk
We're very excited to tell you about the upcoming world: Wintertusk!

Wintertusk will complete the epic storyline that began with Grizzleheim and will offer new things to do, and areas to explore for all levels of young Wizards.

Along with Wintertusk, we will also be launching new spells and new class pets for each main school of focus. We will be bringing back the underwater area of the Crab King in sunken Triton Avenue, to tell a story about life in Crab Alley after the departure of Selena Gomez.

Have a sneak peek at Grandmother Raven, and for those of you following the story, her appearance will solve many outstanding mysteries of the Spiral!


March 31 2011

Community Mount Contests!
Most of our officially recognized fansites are having a huge giveaway of Mounts! Each site has their own contest going - visit all these sites and enter! Click here to learn more!

March 30 2011

Crowns Sale  
For a limited time only, you can purchase 60000 Crowns for only $60 (that's 1000null/$1) This is a great time to purchase Crowns to access premium areas and items in Wizard101. Hurry this offer ends soon! This special ends at 11:59pm Central US Time, on April 10 2011.

March 29 2011

nullYouTube Featured Video of the Week
We're starting something new on our Official YouTube Channel - the Featured Video of the Week. Each week we will choose a Wizard101 YouTube video to feature on our playlist - the first one is from our Fansite Wizard101 Central!

Share your Wizard101 video with us, and you may just be chosen as the Featured Video of the Week! Remember, we only have one official Wizard101 YouTube page located at - accept no imitations!

March 25 2011

Wizard101 Abracadoodle  New Abracadoodle!
See the latest in the story of a young Wizard and his ongoing efforts to succeed at Ravenwood. To see the comic and browse the archives in case you missed any, visit our Abracadoodle Page.

March 24 2011

Now accepting nullWizard101 is now accepting PayPal as a purchase method for Crowns and Memberships!
Wizard Survey has Ended
Players who qualified and participated will receive a credit of 1000 Crowns to their account on or about April 15 2011. Each account that qualified and participated will only receive the Crowns credit once.

March 21 2011

nullPat O'Gold has left the Spiral, see you in a year!
Pat O'Gold is Leaving the Spiral Today!
Pat O'Gold will be leaving the Spiral today, so this is your last chance to purchase her items! She's in the Shopping District by the fountain, hurry before she's gone!


March 16 2011

Special Ravenwood Radio tonight!
Ravenwood Radio is a podcast dedicated to the online game Wizard101. Your hosts Steve and Fallon focus on news, tips, stories, info and have lots of fun chatter about the game! Join them for their next show recording live Wednesday, March 16 at 8:30 pm CDT at for a very special interview with everyone's favorite Fabricated Wizard.

March 15 2011

Wizard101 Abracadoodle  New Abracadoodle!
See the latest in the story of a young Wizard and his ongoing efforts to succeed at Ravenwood. To see the comic and browse the archives in case you missed any, visit our Abracadoodle Page.


March 14 2011

Ditto visits KingsIsle at Pax East
Ditto took some time to stop by the Beckett booth at Pax East to talk to us about Wizard101.

Once in a while in a monsters life, really really awesome things happen. For me, that was getting the opportunity to go to Pax East, an amazing gaming convention in Boston that was huge and really mind-blowing in so many ways!

Read more at Ditto’s Interview with Fred Howard of KingsIsle at Pax East

March 08 2011

Weekly Wizard Code Giveaway!
"Like" Wizard101 on Facebook for a chance to win a code! Starting this Friday, March 11th, we will randomly select some of our Facebook fans to receive awesome codes! You could win anything from gold to pets to houses!

Remember there's only one official Wizard101 Facebook page located at - accept no imitations!
null  Take a Survey and Earn Crowns
Between March 08 2011 and March 23, 2011 communication researchers affiliated with Trinity University will conduct an extensive voluntary study of children and adults who play Wizard101.

The survey will be open to existing Wizard101 account holders who maintain an active subscription, or have purchased Crowns within the last 30 days.

Participation in the study will be on a strictly voluntary basis and all data submitted by players will remain anonymous and confidential. Identifying personal information will not be shared as part of the research, even for those accounts that elect to participate.

Click here to see if you qualify!


March 03 2011

nullPat O'Gold has Arrived!
Pat O'Gold has arrived in the Spiral and can be found in the Shopping District near the fountain! Bring your Crowns, and remember these items can now also be found as rewards from boss creatures throughout the Spiral.

Note: We're aware that the pet she sells has a funny looking pot of gold on him, that will be fixed soon.

nullCrowns Sale!
Now's the time to buy Crowns and save! 60000 Crowns are regularly priced at $80. Get them now for only $60! Find out more here!

March 02 2011

Wizard101 Abracadoodle  New Abracadoodle!
See the latest in the story of a young Wizard and his ongoing efforts to succeed at Ravenwood. To see the comic and browse the archives in case you missed any, visit our Abracadoodle Page.

   February Ravenwood Bulletin
There's a new Ravenwood Bulletin Newsletter available! Celestia Housing, Book of the Month Club, PAXEast, Membership Benefits, Chat updates and more. Read all the latest news in our March 2011 Ravenwood Bulletin Newsletter!

March 01 2011

Chat Update
Between KingsIsle’s commitment to maintaining a family friendly game and the increasing amount of players using the caps to talk around chat filters, it was deemed to be an appropriate action to remove the capitalization ability in the filtered chat.

As long as you’re chatting appropriately and within the filters, there should be no issue with communications.
Update:We're fixing the bug that disallows the use of the shift key to enter text, however, the ability to actually have the capital letters viewable in game will not be retracted.
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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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