I'm a lvl 73 storm and I've just started drum jungle and I beat the quest where you save the monkey lady from a storm rank 11 elite. 11k xp. And I also did the gorilla throne quest. But I still don't have the quest to colossal. Idk if the professor who? has something to do with it but I already did that quest as well. All the guides I've looked up on the internet say I have to do the chancel quest which I already did and the throne quest in drum jungle to go do bungle jungle.
I'm a lvl 73 storm and I've just started drum jungle and I beat the quest where you save the monkey lady from a storm rank 11 elite. 11k xp. And I also did the gorilla throne quest. But I still don't have the quest to colossal. Idk if the professor who? has something to do with it but I already did that quest as well. All the guides I've looked up on the internet say I have to do the chancel quest which I already did and the throne quest in drum jungle to go do bungle jungle.
You get Colossal from the Sun School Trainer in the Drum Jungle.
But first you must repair and activate the Sun School Obelisk. You get a quest from Koko Smokesign called "Midnight Sun" to do this. This link gives details on "Midnight Sun":
If you have completed the Quest where you returned Koko's wand from the Shadow-Web Haunts, then you need to go to Baobob and talk to Inyanga Whitestripes. He'll send you back to Koko for the Midnight Sun quest that repairs the obelisk.