I really think there must be a bug with the boss drops. I keep killing high level bosses and get nothing. I just killed an 11 level and 10 level boss which took me about 15 minutes and I got 80 gold and that is it! Seriously, I could farm Wizard City and get more than that! Do the people at KI realize that there are thousands of players who like to farm for stuff to sell so they have money for reagents, gear, housing, gardening, etc? I was looking forward to having a new place to go to farm, but it for sure won't be Zafaria. There is really no reason for me to even go back to Zafaria now that I have beaten it. Please tell me it's a bug, I love Zafaria and would really like to go there to do my farming.
I noticed this also. I see no point in doing side quests if you get, like, a treasure card for beating some Rank 11 boss and his minion. I am no longer accepting those quests, and will continue to farm in WT when I need gold. Disappointing.
I almost NEVER get items, treasure cards etc from enemies and bosses which is annying. I was also anoyed that the world was so so easy and short. Hope the next world turns out better than this.
I really think there must be a bug with the boss drops. I keep killing high level bosses and get nothing. I just killed an 11 level and 10 level boss which took me about 15 minutes and I got 80 gold and that is it! Seriously, I could farm Wizard City and get more than that! Do the people at KI realize that there are thousands of players who like to farm for stuff to sell so they have money for reagents, gear, housing, gardening, etc? I was looking forward to having a new place to go to farm, but it for sure won't be Zafaria. There is really no reason for me to even go back to Zafaria now that I have beaten it. Please tell me it's a bug, I love Zafaria and would really like to go there to do my farming.
I guess getting reagents, gear, housing, and gardening stuff is completely based on luck. I defeated Tim-Tim SnakeEyes for the second time in the Black Palace and I got a Skink pet. This pet normally costs 6,000 crowns at the Crown Shop. Never give up and trust your instincts!
the dear that is bazaar sellable is usually more expensive like juju thorn costs 120,000 gold normal it is also a boss drop ( forgot which though) . so thats 40,000 gold about to sell it for from one boss drop thats why there are so few and so rare.