you know I think that there should be more monsters and battle spots in the world, just like wizard city that are a little harder to fight cause I am a level if you are with me good replyI know that the world Is for starter under the level of 15,but stillit would be good
you know I think that there should be more monsters and battle spots in the world, just like wizard city that are a little harder to fight cause I am a level if you are with me good replyI know that the world Is for starter under the level of 15,but stillit would be good
This world is on par with an optional side world, if it were expended experience would have to reworked down to what you earn from Grizzlehiem. Since most can enter this world at level 25 it would not be fair to expect them to complete it if it were any harder - the tree guys are challenge enough since we usually end up fighting them a lot.
Mr. Doors gives you are run for your money now that they removed a tree it is a bit easier, the boss fights are actually more difficult then the one in Krock land if that is where you break from.
All in all I think it is fine there - a refreshing break from the darkness of Krock Land.
you know I think that there should be more monsters and battle spots in the world, just like wizard city that are a little harder to fight cause I am a level if you are with me good replyI know that the world Is for starter under the level of 15,but stillit would be good
They keep WC on the low and easy so you want a sub to get more. If they made WC better then people wouldnt need to leave the city.