Ok, so when I walked into wysteria I and left the ring I said: "This is very suspicious." So i kept wondering and wondering untill the ring was gone. I KNEW IT!!!!
Ok, so when I walked into wysteria I and left the ring I said: "This is very suspicious." So i kept wondering and wondering untill the ring was gone. I KNEW IT!!!!
Did you feel the same at Wysteria?
- Justin SandFlame lvl 46 thuamaturge
Yup. I also thought that Randolf would take it so he can "beat" us Ravenwood wizards.
So my father and I(Level 61 Death and level 52 Ice) decided to tackle Wysteria together after we renewed our membership. We practically breezed through it and had no trouble with the bosses.
So anyway, when we put the ring in the dresser I turned to him and said "I'll bet you five bucks it's stolen sometime during this world." and he didn't believe me, so we shook on it. When it was stolen I said "you owe me five bucks" and he still hasn't given it to me lol.