Wow. I can't believe it. Throughout Wysteria, four new worlds were mentioned.
Mirage- a place based on India, inhabited by cats
Weirwood (in Wysteria, a portal opened up to it, letting the goblins invade) - a world home to fairies and goblins, possibly the homeland of the Seraphs, possibly a world covered in plants and vines
Empyria- a home of creatures mentioned as "Sky-Squids"
Yago- homeland of the Helephant from the new tower, made of stars, possible a space world
These could be the four remaining worlds in the Celestia arc?
Wow. I can't believe it. Throughout Wysteria, four new worlds were mentioned.
Mirage- a place based on India, inhabited by cats
Weirwood (in Wysteria, a portal opened up to it, letting the goblins invade) - a world home to fairies and goblins, possibly the homeland of the Seraphs, possibly a world covered in plants and vines
Empyria- a home of creatures mentioned as "Sky-Squids"
Yago- homeland of the Helephant from the new tower, made of stars, possible a space world
These could be the four remaining worlds in the Celestia arc?
That would be very interesting if that was the case, however, I hope they send their wizards to better schools than Pigswick Academy! Those Pigswick Academy students have a long way to go to catch up to even low rank Ravenwood students!
Likely Yago will be a CL Expansion, since it is mentioned in the LEGENDARY TOWER. The others may likely be Side Worlds, or they may be looking at Foreign Students for WC, and allowing us to create new wizards in some of these new races.
It could also be a way to introduce these new races so that we can see them before the potential Foreign Student expansion (and when that comes out, hopefully a Magic Mirror Permanent Transformation shop).
Wow. I can't believe it. Throughout Wysteria, four new worlds were mentioned.
Mirage- a place based on India, inhabited by cats
Weirwood (in Wysteria, a portal opened up to it, letting the goblins invade) - a world home to fairies and goblins, possibly the homeland of the Seraphs, possibly a world covered in plants and vines
Empyria- a home of creatures mentioned as "Sky-Squids"
Yago- homeland of the Helephant from the new tower, made of stars, possible a space world
These could be the four remaining worlds in the Celestia arc?
Not sure if they would fit in with Celestia, but they would fit in with other areas of the spiral. I'm hoping these are worlds to come because they could be fantastic. :)
Thank you for this :D I have not been able to log on to the test and I am very happy you posted this haha. Can't wait for these worlds, I really am looking forward to the Sky-Squid world.
Thank you for this :D I have not been able to log on to the test and I am very happy you posted this haha. Can't wait for these worlds, I really am looking forward to the Sky-Squid world.
You're welcome! I'm excited for Mirage, because it seems it would be a world where the cats are the good guys for once. :D
Thanks for the info. I really do hope these worlds become part of the spirial it would be totally awesome!
It would also be cool to have a whole wizard change. Like you could change your hair and face and begining clothes. And maybe even change your focus schools of magic...maybe.....................................
I personally don't think Weirwood or Mirage will be new worlds any time soon. (Perhaps in the furture) because for half of wysteria the goblins are the main enemy and all players would want to fight them again if it wasn't a side world and the couldn't bring up wysteria because its a side world if it was a main world because someone might have not done it. And i don't see mirage being a world as well because it sounds like krokotopia to much. This is my opinion, but i do see Empyrea and Yago being worlds.
Mirage does not sound like Krokotopia. Krokotopia is based on Ancient Egypt, located in the Middle East. Mirage sounds like it will be based on India, located in the Southern Asian subcontinent near China. Two entirely different worlds and cultures. And if they based Mirage on the Ancient Indian culture it will be based on Mesopotamia!
that might be awesome depending on what the lvl is going to be to get in
not really the depending on what lvl is needed because, they NEED to make them be a continue to the morganthe storyline, meaning you must do celestia story to get to them. these side things are getting annoying when they still need to finish morganthe story, they NEED to focus back on her and raise the level cap cause since other morganthe worlds would be harder than celestia wizards would need to be able to power up more
I personally don't think Weirwood or Mirage will be new worlds any time soon. (Perhaps in the furture) because for half of wysteria the goblins are the main enemy and all players would want to fight them again if it wasn't a side world and the couldn't bring up wysteria because its a side world if it was a main world because someone might have not done it. And i don't see mirage being a world as well because it sounds like krokotopia to much. This is my opinion, but i do see Empyrea and Yago being worlds.
i think that weirwood and mirage will be worlds too because,
one. someone in game said the mega bundle sultans palace thing was definately a hint/preview to a new world like she knew it was somehow ?
two. they talked WAY too much about weirwood in wysteria for it to not be a world and they already have weirwood monsters to fight, the goblins, hobgoblins, and green men
Yago-May come out in the CL arc, next year (2012) Weirwood-I'd expect it to come out either 2013 or 2015 as a side world. Empyria-Should be 2014, in CL arc. Mirage-Probably not coming out. And to Crystalwizard, I say because there are 5 in the WC arc. 4+1=5 But only 2 should join CL.
Yago-May come out in the CL arc, next year (2012) Weirwood-I'd expect it to come out either 2013 or 2015 as a side world. Empyria-Should be 2014, in CL arc. Mirage-Probably not coming out. And to Crystalwizard, I say because there are 5 in the WC arc. 4+1=5 But only 2 should join CL.
Hopefully marage does come out, That was the only one out of all of them i would look forward too. so far its one character design is really amazing (and sorta reminds me of blaze the cat) and i think it could turn out to be tons of fun.
that might be awesome depending on what the lvl is going to be to get in
not really the depending on what lvl is needed because, they NEED to make them be a continue to the morganthe storyline, meaning you must do celestia story to get to them. these side things are getting annoying when they still need to finish morganthe story, they NEED to focus back on her and raise the level cap cause since other morganthe worlds would be harder than celestia wizards would need to be able to power up more
Yes and no. Don't assume that just because they released Wysteria that they're not working on the next world in the Morganthe storyline. Those worlds will be more involved and take longer to develop. So, in the meantime, KI gives us a smaller new area to explore to keep people involved in the game.
Now, as to the mentioning of new worlds, that may or may not be significant. There are countless worlds in the spiral, and we won't be visiting all of them. So, simply mentioning the name of another world, or mentioning a weird creature from there, doesn't mean it will play a part in our future adventures. If you start to see any of those names mentioned frequently, however, that will probably be a pretty good indication of what's to come.
Mirage does not sound like Krokotopia. Krokotopia is based on Ancient Egypt, located in the Middle East. Mirage sounds like it will be based on India, located in the Southern Asian subcontinent near China. Two entirely different worlds and cultures. And if they based Mirage on the Ancient Indian culture it will be based on Mesopotamia!
The thing is, they are similar, despite their differences on what the theme is based on in real life. Egypt is located right next to the Middle East in real life, and the landscape is pretty similar too. And the student from Mirage's clothes do look Krokotopian. It's really not going to happen, they are just too similar. Each world needs to be something completely different, something new and fresh. If we have worlds that are pretty much the same, it makes the game more boring, and not as exciting or interesting. That "wow" factor when you get to a new world is also completely lost. When you go to a new world, most players are amazed by it. If it's similar, like I said, its not exciting.