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For those who think Wysteria is a "let down"

Apr 27, 2009
I have been seeing a lot of people here discussing their disappoint over the new world. You have to put this into context. This world is supposed to be a side world meaning something on the side that has no real affect on the main game. Also, Wizard just released Celestia. They can't be releasing big important worlds every other day because the game would get way to chaotic. Be happy with what is there and FYI, Wysteria has a lot of side quests.

Apr 24, 2011
it's just those people who are selfish and want everything they want and aren't thankful for what kingisle does.

- john firemancer level 60 legenadry pyromancer
valkoor deathmancer level 23 adept necromancer
john thundermancer level 20 adept diviner

Jun 19, 2009
I agree. Many are let down, in which they should be thankful there WAS an update. Wysteria is cool, although I do wonder what will happen when they have to many worlds for the game to hold, cause of the side worlds.....

Oct 20, 2010
I would like to thank KingsIsle for Wysteria. I am a level 60 ice wizard and found it to be very enjoyable. It took several trys to complete the Heart of the Helephant, but with the help of 3 new friends last night, I finally made it! Now I will spend some time going back to finish my Zeke quests and helping others on their journeys. I am hoping for new quests to be added when time permits. Yay for those players who are patient and enjoy this game as much as I do. For those of you who complain, relax and have fun! That IS what we are here for, right?
Scarlet Moonblood

Jun 10, 2011
Wysteria is actually a great world. Saying tha, they intoduced a wand that gives a pip at beginning of battle at level 20. You no longer have to wait until 30 or buy a staff for crowns to provide a pip. Also, It introduced a new pet to Wizard101. The golden piggle is a pretty desent pet if you train it.

Jul 06, 2009
wystira is awesome not a let down at all you can kinda put it in the story line cause it talks alot about our teachers while they clame they are better i wasnt let down but i was amased when i saw thier doorms it huge compared to ours but it is public and we get our own :D i also wonder why they give us the uniform if we are rivals and why dont we have uniforms i guess the novice clothes are uniforms and i like that we free to wear what ever we want. these are not complaints these are questions. ( sorry for spelling ) .

Mar 07, 2011
I enjoyed Wysteria the first time I did it. It is beautiful and fun to ride my broom through it. I enjoy all the Easter Eggs KI sneaks in there. I think it is a fine addition for level appropriate wizards.

But if you have multiple high level wizards, Wysteria seems like a real chore. It is mostly about running errands, and it is a real mental challenge to make yourself go do the endless errands. I would never quest again in Wysteria except for the fact I want my high level wizards to be able to do the Helephant Tower.

Maybe high level wizards could jump right to a final exam of some sorts, skip all the mundane errand running. Just so we could do the Helephant Tower, and bypass the low level errand running.

My two cents...

Jan 05, 2011
Hey, it's a new world to explore, another opportunity for a training point, and another legendary tower to frustrate and humiliate me... Overall, i'm pleased by the addition. -eli and crew

Jun 17, 2011
etherchaos wrote:
Hey, it's a new world to explore, another opportunity for a training point, and another legendary tower to frustrate and humiliate me... Overall, i'm pleased by the addition. -eli and crew

Dude I agree I mean I like it when kings isle makes a new world, more quests, more training points, and for those semi low-level people much more gold!

Jul 24, 2011
I can't tell if I've finished Wysteria. I have no current quests there, and I haven't seen any question marks or exclamation marks over anyone's heads.

Is there a way to tell if there are pending quests in a world? I finshed the duels, and I did the three quests for the professors after the duels. I also did a bunch of side quests, and now, I'm not sure. I finished it in a few days (off and on), so it seems rather short, almost like I missed something.

Mar 07, 2011
I finished it in a few days (off and on), so it seems rather short, almost like I missed something.
It doesn't take too long to complete this world. I think I finished it over the course of several hours. It isn't massive like Wintertusk or Celestia. If you don't have any quests in your book you finished it. :D

Once you become level 60, you will be sent back to Belladona Crisp to get the Helephant Tower quest. If you are level 60, and don't have the Helephant Tower quest, go see her. Even though I got notice to go see Belladona for the Helephant Tower, the quest wasn't put into my quest book. I just had to remember to go see her.

Aug 11, 2009
Well, the story-line quests only took me a day. Then again, that's about how long Wizard City takes.
Also, there are plenty of side quests to keep you busy afterwards.
And don't forget, you only need to be lv. 20 to go to this world. So of course the battles will be easier for higher-level wizards.

Jul 08, 2009
I agree. I love the way the Spiral Cup fits on my pedastal in my house.