i was told by my cousin that he saw someone use a skill that cost 6 pips, attacked all enemies, and looked like a ghost of the storm teacher. what is this?
i was told by my cousin that he saw someone use a skill that cost 6 pips, attacked all enemies, and looked like a ghost of the storm teacher. what is this?
your cousins pulling your leg, there is no spell like that.
i was told by my cousin that he saw someone use a skill that cost 6 pips, attacked all enemies, and looked like a ghost of the storm teacher. what is this?
your cousins pulling your leg, there is no spell like that.
hmm, six pips, attacked all enemies, and looked like a ghost, hmm. The only spell I know of that's kinda like that, minus that attack all, is the wraith. other than that, phoenixshadow11 is right, there is no such spell as that, sorry.
i was told by my cousin that he saw someone use a skill that cost 6 pips, attacked all enemies, and looked like a ghost of the storm teacher. what is this?
I saw a spell kinda like that but it was Bartelby.
indeed lvl expansion card is unlikely but i dont seriously doubt it. on a related topic, my friend(in real life) says he saw a white snake(not storm snake it wasn't a cobra) come out of a spell that when cast had a symble of a star, possibly ASTRAL DUN dun.... DUUUNNN. your probibly going like Oh that liar, he was lying. but i asked him all about it and his story is flawless! One more thing. he asked the guy about the spell and the guy said the fallowing "Oh i forgot you were there! NO ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO SEE THAT!" and ran also the spell did 1000 damage to all enemies and restored mana. also it moved in a zig zag pattern unlike storm snake. ok I know that if this doesn't get put as a response I'll know this is a cover up hush hush secret. AND ill tell every one in game, if it does ............................................................................................................ HI MOM!
OK! First of all none of this is true, there is no 'Halestrom Balestrom Ghost' or 'White Snake'. There could of been mishaps. Maybe the computer brightness was high enough that the snake looked white, it could of been ice serpent or storm snake... the rest about the move is false. There are cards that have been pulled from the game, but they are dispell and someother one, that is not any of those. Second for the Halestrom balestrom ghost, it could of been humongofrog and you read his pips wrong, OR he/she had 6 pips but didnt use it all. There could of been a glitch with any of these or something wrong with your computer. But there is NO absoulutely NOT a Halestrom Balestrom ghost or White Snake.... Case Closed