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Jun 04, 2009
Hello everyone,

Thanks to my son, he’s gotten me addicted to this game. It’s to the point where I reading the forum’s regularly and I’ve just know started posting questions and sharing my experiences about the game. I have a couple of questions, that I have not found the answers to yet and I was wondering if the wizard community will be able to provide me with the correct answers. I recently acquired my level 48 level (3,000 away from achieving level 49) and I was wondering what happens after I reach 50? Keep in mind; this is my only account (Death, James DragonTalon) and it only took me a month (only been playing the game for a month) to reach this level but I wanted to see if I would still be able to achieve training points after reaching level 50. I understand that I could make another account but I want to max out my current character to the highest point possible and then be known as the “Helper” that goes around assisting fellow wizards (it’s a way for me to give back to the community for providing hours of enjoyment). Are there any death spells that are higher than the scarecrow that I can acquire over time?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and I look forward to hearing from the community.

Dec 14, 2008
currently level 50 is the maximum level and the best way to go after it is to finish ds then finish grizzle and get maxxed gear.... then there is PVP also.... but pretty much 50 is the maximum point until they raise the level cap which in my guess will be next patch....... heh....