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Olde Town

Mar 21, 2010
In Olde Town i see people in that sewer place and they told me it was a glitch. What is a glitch?

Jul 08, 2009
May 20, 2010
You'll often hear the words "bug" and "glitch" used in the game. Often, one is used in place of the other, but they're two somewhat different things. As I understand it:

A "glitch" is an unintended feature, something that a player can do that he/she shouldn't be able to do. An example of a glitch would be if you could walk through a wall.

A "bug" is a flaw in the program that hinders game play in some way, up to and including not being able to even open Wizard101.

Jul 08, 2009
colagada wrote:
You'll often hear the words "bug" and "glitch" used in the game. Often, one is used in place of the other, but they're two somewhat different things. As I understand it:

A "glitch" is an unintended feature, something that a player can do that he/she shouldn't be able to do. An example of a glitch would be if you could walk through a wall.

A "bug" is a flaw in the program that hinders game play in some way, up to and including not being able to even open Wizard101.
In that case i meant glitch