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Join a Team at the Bazaar

Jul 18, 2020
Recently, I started helping out people who need help with their quest at the Bazaar, and I’ve had different experiences each time. The first time I helped someone she wasn’t active at all and it was for the battle with Calypso in Celestia. I feel like she logged out or something because she wouldn’t respond to me at all. I kept telling her is she ready and moving around to see if she would respond and she wouldn’t. So, I decided to just beat Calypso to see if it would make a difference. When I beat her I left some messages to her to see, and I said “I hope you don’t have to beat her again since I beat her already.” And I wished her luck for her other quest in the message. This does bring up the question, When people request team up in battles does it still keep you on the team even if you logged out? Cause that’s what it certainly felt like to me.

The second people I helped were for the fight against Belloq in Zafaría. I guess it is to say that I didn’t really help because, there was another wizard there who I guess wanted to help out too and had way higher stats and health than me.. He was a storm wizard so he just hit Belloq and his minion with tempest and it became a critical and they died.

The third time I helped was to an ice wizard in Grizzleheim we were going against other duos Fire(me) and ice(her) vs fire and ice (bad guys).

The fourth time I helped was in Aquila when we had to defeat Zeus. The reason I chose this too was because I never defeated Zeus either and I thought I might as well join so I can get the quest over with it. Immediately what I saw was that they were mid level 30 wizards. Me being a level 72 wizard I got a lot of helping and protect them instincts coming forward. Like I did try to stall and pass so they could get some hits on the minions, but then once I’ll hit with fire dragon to try to end the fight when things were getting to risky for them. In the beginning it was fine because there was a life wizard healing so I took my time, but then he left suddenly and so then that’s when I started hitting more. I believe it’s all about the experience and having fun in wizard 101. Whenever I see someone who’s lower level than me and I’m helping out I feel like I should let them get as many hits as they can, I guess I’ll feel bad if I end the battle right away and I tend to think stuff like oh what if they wanted to keep fighting or battling. Though, at the same time I helped out someone in sunken city and he thought it was really cool when I’d get a critical and end the fight quickly.

Also, I gave the wizards a tip that other wizards gave me. When you’re in low health in a battle or have no health at all, you can always flee, heal, and come back and battle again. Zeus ended up attacking the wizard Constantly and then the minions kept putting the ice meteor. So there’s a situation that he tried and ended up working. We did end up beating him. It was quite a fun experience tbh, it reminded me of questing in krokotopia/ marleybone.

Sorry, I ended up writing a lot and whoever ends up reading this thanks for coming to my ted talk.