I reckon Merle Ambrose is Myth Reason 1: His wand is for myth school only. When you first start w101 Merle Ambrose gives you troll as the first spell you use (I think, pls correct me if I am wrong) against malistair's minions.
Reason 2: He looks like a myth wiz compared to any other school. Plus his pet "Gamma" is a myth pet. When you go into the room Gamma is in you see all myth things.
Conclusion: I'd just like to wrap it up, that is my opinion, tell me what your oppinion is.
Hunter, pryomancer, lvl 57
He said he trained in all schools but started in astral.
merle is all of the schools people! well idk what he is ether but i think he is all of them! from, abigal ice oh and btw ice rocks for a school! just get into the high levels
Well, he is the Headmaster of the school so I'd say he has mastered all of the schools. I mean, imagine if you fused all of the mastery amulets into one, that's him. Headmaster Ambrose isn't bound by our rules lol!
I'd say either all or balance. Since balance is a mix of all schools, it could be possible. But it is most likely that he has mastered all schools of magic.