Just wondering if there is a way to reset Dungeons?
I started a Dungeon with another player, who ultimately bailed in the middle of the battle. Was wondering if anyone knew of a way to start it over again so that I could go in with a group and defeat the stinkin thing!
Just wondering if there is a way to reset Dungeons?
I started a Dungeon with another player, who ultimately bailed in the middle of the battle. Was wondering if anyone knew of a way to start it over again so that I could go in with a group and defeat the stinkin thing!
If you wait 30 mins, enter another dungeon, or log off, the dungeon should reset.
The easiest way is to go back to the entrance and leave. You'll get a warning that you'll lose all progress. This seems to reset the dungeon; at least it works in Nightside.
If you've already teleported out of the dungeon, you can reenter it and then leave it. That should do the same thing.
The easiest way is to go back to the entrance and leave. You'll get a warning that you'll lose all progress. This seems to reset the dungeon; at least it works in Nightside.
If you've already teleported out of the dungeon, you can reenter it and then leave it. That should do the same thing.
Thanks for the response colagada! I did try your advice, but with no luck. I didn't even get a warning about leaving the dungeon. The dungeon did reset after 30 minutes, however not to the point that I need it. The quests within the dungeon reset, however I am still not able to enter the dungeon with other members. I stood on the spots with 2 other people and after the countdown and transport I entered the dungeon alone.