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Crab Alley White Tower

May 05, 2018
Hey, I'm just wondering if this is supposed to be this way or if it's a glitch or something?

So, the White Tower in Crab Alley is the only dungeon I've come across that doesn't have the Team Up button, and I noticed while within White Tower that when I tried to spawn a minion since I'm a Myth Wizard...my minion didn't show up!

Is this intentional, or is this just something they forgot?

Jun 15, 2009
As far as I know there is No team up option for white tower. Since I dont work for the development team, I can’t tell you what their intentions were but my guess is that it was meant to be completed solo rather than forgotten about. If you are having a hard time with the tower alone your best option is probably to level up with other quests and wait until your character is strong enough to complete the tower. Hope this helps!