Col Blvd Goblin King wont let me back in to get the obsidian chest. Tech support is trying to tell me my 32MB of standard display memory is not enough and that I need 64MB. I have spoken with at least 3 other players so far who are all operating with only 32. My question is anyone else experiencing the same problem and what is your display memory (32 or 64)? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Alexandria StormWhisper lvl 49 Death School
32MB of display memory is cutting things very thin. I'd be surprised if the game worked. If it did work, it'd probably be choppy.
If you try using this hardware setup, be sure to dial all of the graphics settings down as far as they'll go.
Bloom Active, Smoothing, and Shadows off, and Particles all the way to the left. Fullscreen Off and the smallest resolution you can play at. Graphics Detail and Texture Detail at low.