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BRiskBreeze Plead

Feb 08, 2009
Ok so me and some friend were doing briskbreeze tower yes i know you and the tower warns us but that isnt my problem right now my problem is:

I think you should make it so if you lose you can come back within 30 minutes

Because we got all the way up to orrick and dont say o its supposed to be stratedgy or its supposeed to be a challenege

It isnt a challenege id you dont even get a good 2 turns before you have to start healing

Orrick had like 2 pips and used meteor strike but wait right before a heckhound interrupted and it started to kill off our ice. Then the meteor strike did 7fifth0)sry five isnt working)

So then our ice died and it was me and my friend sabrina a life grand

Next turn he has no pips he uses banshee on me that did 400 then interpupt heckhound on me then meteor strike i was done by the next turn

Same the other player he just kept using inerupt heckhound which does over 400 each turn. Then meteor strike take off traps, and finish it off with banshee

I know some people have beaten it but i mean its not impossible but its the next worst thing, Some one in another post said its about strategy, and Professor Greyrose said it warns you that they cheat, i understand that but how can you use strategy if your healing every time you get enough pips.

So my compromise was to let us come back to it if you lose in the next half hour and start where you ended.

We worked hard to get all the way to Orrick and then get him down to 3000 and lose.

Dec 14, 2009
I've beaten it a lot and its not that hard. First off you need four people like the game says. Also try to have a life wizard with you or have some one putting fire dispels on the boss. And have some one who's not dispeling or healing shielding people. Then you'll have two people left. One of them should attack him. The other guy should blade up and when Orrick summons his minions, that guy should attack him with a spell that hits all so that his minions are dead. Then the two guys not shielding,dispeling,or healing should attack Orrick until you win. That strategy always works for me. Hope this helps

May 20, 2010
Orrick cheats, something that the game tells you. He will remove all traps set on him (but only the last of the three on a multiple elemental or spirit trap), and he can cast spells without the necessary pips.

Quench is a must. If you don't have a fire wizard, somebody will need to buy Quench treasure cards at the shop.