when I first saw briskbreeze tower I thought It was going to be easy but when I read about it I almost feinted I did it thanks to angela dragonflame and I forget what her name was but its really hard and I bet that boss there could get his million badge
I'm glad to hear you got through through it as I myself couldn't do it until recently! I agree that its hard but there are grandmaster ring drops you can get from the last boss. Saffron Sandsword Legendary
This instance is very difficult to me. I always get stuck at the level with the first boss that do meteor strikes for 10,000 damage after a few rounds.
This instance is very difficult to me. I always get stuck at the level with the first boss that do meteor strikes for 10,000 damage after a few rounds.
Sarah DeathBringer - Promethean Necromancer
That's pretty easy to stop, just kill the minion before he gets 4 pips and he can't explode.