Am I the only one who sees a very distinct likeness in attitude and mannerisms between Professor Drake and Professor Snape from Harry Potter? When I saw and talked to Drake for the first time I instantly thought of Snape. Maybe I'm just imagining it. :?
Nope! I thought I was the only one at first. I love making new Wizards so I can just hear Cyrus's part :D
lol yeah when i read this i just thought "your right", but some how he also reminds me of malistar. well thats my thought but any way well done seeing that! :-)
cyrus drake is malistaire's twin brother of course he is mean but not evil
Am I the only one who sees a very distinct likeness in attitude and mannerisms between Professor Drake and Professor Snape from Harry Potter? When I saw and talked to Drake for the first time I instantly thought of Snape. Maybe I'm just imagining it. :?
dude not imagination... PLAIN TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if cyrus was in the same world as snape, and Malistare still exists they would be TRIPLE BROS otherwise know as TRIPLE TROBULE
LOL, I noticed it, too! Also, you know how Diego warns Ambrose that Cyrus shouldn't be trusted because he might be helping Malistaire (AKA how everyone tells Dumbledore that Snape is working for Voldemort??) AND Ambrose treats you (well, your wizard, anyway) the way Dumbledore basically treated Harry? Not to mention Gamma the owl ... does Hedwig come to mind? :P Wow ... maybe I'm more of a Harry Potter nerd than I thought ...
Hello again....after a few years. To make myself clear on my last post, I actually don't remember why I put "hate". I meant "annoying"....well, at least now anyways. That, and Snape is one of my favorite HP characters :(
Lol. When I started reading these posts about Harry Potter, I had to get involved (I'm a huge HP fan). Lol, Snape really does act like Cyrus Drake (vice versa) . And BurntIce, how did Sirius Black move into the conversation, or did you mean Severus? And Mindy Pixiecrown in Colossus reminds me of Luna Lovegood! Lol. Rock on Wiz101!
OMG your soo right! i LOVE harry potter and snape was one of my faveorites!! and when i first talk to cyrus and he was all like..another conjuerer wanna be during enrollment i instantly thought of him!..altho dont ya think snape is more death? but yes!!! TOTALY!
I love Cyrus, just like I love Severus. Both are amazing characters in the story lines, both HP and here.
I want to add, that there is a reason Cyrus is Myth, and not Death, much like Snape was Potions, instead of DADA. That reason, is most likely, the same. If you really think about it. Less temptation. Hence Drake's not so nice attitude, and annoyance to pretty much any student interested in the subject.
Has anyone noticed that you are treated like HP from merle ambrose {or as i call him dumbledore} , and lady grey rose is supposed to be like magonnagal (idk if thats spelled right...).
there`s also a quest called "Not in Kansis Anymore!" witch alous you to meet mr.toto tin man and dorthy all from the "wizard of oz" and the quest when you start is called "folow the yellow brick road" creepy huh????
i always though falmea is more like macgonigal, proffesor grey rose is too nice, more like proffessor sprout in Hp
Pop culture references are one of the most common form of easter eggs in video games.
I have already seen a ton of them so far and I'm only in the krok area.
Ah here is two I think you guys will enjoy.
In the krokosphynx - Emperor's Retreat. When you go the keymaster, he asks if you are the gate keeper. This is a direct reference from Ghost Busters.
Also Mr. T's famous line (I pity da fool) is used in the Barracks right before you enter the palace.
Actually you're wrong about easter eggs. The ones in this game are "plays on words"/puns. Easter eggs are actually things placed in a game/program so that when you type a specific word/sentence/string of letters, it opens up a hidden program to do something else. One easter egg I played with was in a tetris type game that if you typed (just an example) "playdoh" the "logs" would turn into different animals shaped like the tetris forms. That is a "true" easter egg.
Ok everyone just to make it clear Malastare and Cyrus and Bros and Im on collusus blvd. and i wuz thinking this when he asked for something and i returned it i thought "what The Heck Hes a LAZY BUM"
Am I the only one who sees a very distinct likeness in attitude and mannerisms between Professor Drake and Professor Snape from Harry Potter? When I saw and talked to Drake for the first time I instantly thought of Snape. Maybe I'm just imagining it. :?
I definitely agree. But I think that Malistaire would be more like Snape.
No way, I saw the direct resemblance too. I personally think he should have been the death teach My fave teacher is Halestrom Balestrom no offense to my own school, fire!!
Am I the only one who sees a very distinct likeness in attitude and mannerisms between Professor Drake and Professor Snape from Harry Potter? When I saw and talked to Drake for the first time I instantly thought of Snape. Maybe I'm just imagining it. :?
professor drake is not the only one that has a simalarity to a character in harry potter. malastaer is like valdamert, meral ambrose is like the head master from harry potter. your own character in the game is like harry potter always trying to save your friends and other wizards. (p.s. i'm not very good with spelling so please try to sound it out if you cant read something)
LOL, I noticed it, too! Also, you know how Diego warns Ambrose that Cyrus shouldn't be trusted because he might be helping Malistaire (AKA how everyone tells Dumbledore that Snape is working for Voldemort??) AND Ambrose treats you (well, your wizard, anyway) the way Dumbledore basically treated Harry? Not to mention Gamma the owl ... does Hedwig come to mind? :P Wow ... maybe I'm more of a Harry Potter nerd than I thought ...
Pop culture references are one of the most common form of easter eggs in video games.
I have already seen a ton of them so far and I'm only in the krok area.
Ah here is two I think you guys will enjoy.
In the krokosphynx - Emperor's Retreat. When you go the keymaster, he asks if you are the gate keeper. This is a direct reference from Ghost Busters.
Also Mr. T's famous line (I pity da fool) is used in the Barracks right before you enter the palace.
Actually you're wrong about easter eggs. The ones in this game are "plays on words"/puns. Easter eggs are actually things placed in a game/program so that when you type a specific word/sentence/string of letters, it opens up a hidden program to do something else. One easter egg I played with was in a tetris type game that if you typed (just an example) "playdoh" the "logs" would turn into different animals shaped like the tetris forms. That is a "true" easter egg.
Technically, an "easter egg" is a special, often hard-to-find feature, such as a secret room only accessible by blowing apart a completely random and unmarked wall (that's actually a real example) or checking something for items "x" amount of times (also a "real" easter egg).
Some easter eggs, like the one in a certain racing game that opens a sarcastic announcer (for example, getting in last place will result in "You don't have an inferiority complex; you're just inferior,"), are indeed unlocked by codes. Some, not all.
Back to that ACTUAL TOPIC OF THE THREAD... the original poster is not first and will not be the last to notice the similarity.