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Wysteria Schools

Dec 19, 2012
OK, I know that everyone is kinda mad at the Wysteria Schools for stealing ideas from the Ravenwoos Schools. Death/Spirit and stuff like that. But what if after you complete the main Wysteria Storyline, you could spend your training points on new spells from these schools. Even thought that they are similar, that does not mean that they could not have new spells. The spells could even be spinoffs from the Ravenwood School Spells. Also, the Wysteria Schools that goes with your Ravenwood School could have a new professor.

Jack Deathbringer, level seventy-five

Oct 24, 2010
colrey24 on Jun 18, 2013 wrote:
OK, I know that everyone is kinda mad at the Wysteria Schools for stealing ideas from the Ravenwoos Schools. Death/Spirit and stuff like that. But what if after you complete the main Wysteria Storyline, you could spend your training points on new spells from these schools. Even thought that they are similar, that does not mean that they could not have new spells. The spells could even be spinoffs from the Ravenwood School Spells. Also, the Wysteria Schools that goes with your Ravenwood School could have a new professor.

Jack Deathbringer, level seventy-five
This has been suggested/asked many times over. There are no spells because the schools do not actually teach magic. The books in Wysteria tell you that.

Mar 12, 2013
The only school that did anything remotely akin to constructive was the fake storm prof, who helped you identify and clean up a phytotoxic contaminant in the fountains of Tanglewood Way. The rest of the schools are pretty much as one would expect for Wysteria - joke versions of their Ravenwood counterparts.

Dec 19, 2012
Ravenlady, I know that. However, in Randolph's case, I found him a fairly challenging opponent. He must have been taught by someone, and I believe that it was the dueling horse in the tournament hall. He could teach the spells, although the spells that Randolph uses are already usable in battle. However, new spells could be made. Also, there could be non-PVP spells that allow your character to cheat, but less severe; if characters could cheat completely, you would blaze through the game with no losses. It is also shown in the books that the teachers are just lazy, not necessarily incompetent. Belladonna seems pretty capable although snobbish. She could get the teachers working or just hire new ones.

Jack Deathbringer, level seventy-five