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wizard101 needs to be updated to make it cooler

Mar 17, 2011
i started these topic so all could post what they think needs to be updated on the game

it time these topic has come up wizard101 needs to be updated because pvp is getting mess up crafting is getting to hard and to top it off the update global spells look like nobody even put in the time to make it look cool but biggest of all they are no longer making cool spell and the class is are getting to op

OK it may not seem it to some people but rank pvp is mess up now a level 70 if there a warlord they have to vs a level 100 witch it mess up i mean you can't disagree there they need to update that because how is it fair to people who are 70 or lower to have to vs a level 100 wizard

now crafting the amber is to hard to get i mean i battle the boss for 2 weeks or more i not sure but a really long time just to get 12 amber that is just plain rd (ridiculous) and i not good at rank so it not like i can get a lot of ticks to buy it they need to ether put it in crowns shop or make it easy to get

next thing is the classes ice resistance is rd and storm power is rd to i mean now it like if you go into pvp you most like lee going die by storm wild bolt or won't be able to kill the ice but they can kill you i mean common these has to be fix every class needs a update the game going out of wacky

next up is the new updated global spells what were they thinking at lest before you could tell it was storm now it looks like line and they took out the rain wt kinda storm don't have rain it just wrong and the ice is just a speed bum fire can't even tell it fire anymore just a little but not vary much i mean they need to go back and fix the global look because now it looks like they just slap something in there

last thing is the spell we want to see some kinda new spell the king spell was just the same spell for all classes sure shadow magic is great but that don't mean we want all the class spell go away we like having cool spell for all the school but not all the same because then it kinda like why are we working for that spell if anybody can get it i mean we wanna see new spell not just lame boring anybody can get ones

these topic needed to come up i know it may seem like complain well it is a little but it needs to be talk about so post on here what you think these game should update i don't care if anything miss spell these topic for wt needs to be updated nothing else

also i just want to see the game get cooler i not trying to ruin it or anything i trying to help everybody see that these needs to be taken care of so the game can grow more and get even better and cooler looking and so new players will come to the game that's all these topic trying to do is show kl that not everything on the game is perfect right now we love the game so we trying to help you guys see that it needs a really big update
100 level wizard

Jun 29, 2011
What i think is that Wizard101's graphics is what separates it from other games running against it. And the fact that it doesn't really matter if the person is a lvl 70 warlord versing a lvl 100. Only because they are warlord doesn't mean they are better than Exalted wizards. The person controlling the wizard has the power to do what ever s/he wants to do in combat. However i do agree with you about storm having too much power. But that power is balanced to the lowest accuracy-rating school, which is storm. But, since wizards can get accuracy boosts from gear and pets, and a spell that gives +10% storm accuracy, it's no fair. And the reason ice have so much health for their gear is because their spells. Ice then again has a lot of resist, so wild bolt or insane bolt or whatever wouldn't hurt you much if you have at least 40 resist. Global looks, i don't they changed anything much about that except sound and outlining detail. And magic, yes, is cool. I think it is equal in it's own way, and doesn't really affect other schools. But spells like King Artorius are basically the same spell, just different stats and colour. Just my opinion.

-Adrian Lotusflame

Mar 19, 2009
I'm an undercover grammar police officer. You are under arrest.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't make out what you're trying to say.
I'm assuming, though, you're trying to fix PvP, and every time people have requested a change to PvP it ruins something for us who don't PvP, like with Wild Bolt, stuns, and Earthquake.
Also, I noticed you touching on crafting being too hard, and I agree, but Azteca is too hard but I'm still working on it.
Best wishes,

Sep 19, 2013
Your rant is extremely incoherent. By the way, "coolness" is relative and unrelated to this post.
1. Boo hoo. Warlords get matched up with higher levels because warlords are, on average, more skilled.
2. You don't have to craft the spells. The only must get is Deer Knight for Death. They are supposed to be rare and hard to get.
3. Boo hoo, schools are good at what they are designed to do. Ice has cruddy offense, and Storm has cruddy defense. Every school has their strength and weakness.
4. This makes no sense. I can tell what they are, and they look fine to me.
5. We still have school specific stuff. Artorius is the only overlap spell. Shadow is a totally new school that other schools can train, like Astral schools.

Jul 29, 2009
i agree with pvp but crafting is one of the fun part of the game and if you pay attention and play right you'll notice crafting and gardening goes hand in hand. When bosses don't drop reagents thats why you always plant to harvest reagents.

Mar 17, 2011
ok for the person said she didn't understand what i was talking about basic here the short way i can put it ice is op so is storm and they are going crazy with rank and not everyone got time for crafting so i saying they should make it easyer to get the stuff like were you can buy it in crown shop and stuff that way it easy but you could still hunt around the game if you think that's fun also was talking about how rank is unfair because 70 is fighting level 100

to the guys that kept saying boo hoo well rank is not fair a level 100 can win because they have shadow spells and more blades traps and things like that so they can just one hit kill the person and these is inside there rank zone not outside it so yes i do think that needs to be fix i mean if you wanna fight someone outside you rank then you press the butten right but i didn't and i had to battle a level 70 that didn't stand a chance next thing is i not rant in i state in what is wrong and i ask for what you thought was wrong with the game and school are not even storm has gotten more accrucy so that takes out there weekness in pvp and to much power they just need a small amount lower not real big just like 10% of it lower ice need there resistance lower and i should know i a ice wizard why i say these is because now they can get up to 100% in resistance and they have so many blocks that even with that price thing it still immune ty to there blocks

to the last guy about the craft stuff some of us just don't got the time to wait for plants that have it grow or to farm forever to get 1 amber or stuff like that so that's why i asking if they put it in crown shop also have it were we could farm it or make it a like stone blocks and stuff i mean it just needs to be added to easier place to get so we don't have to fight a big boss and we could get it from more place is so it easier to us all wich would not make the game any less fun it would help players who are big or low level get the things they needed

Sep 19, 2013
sliver moon wolf on May 12, 2014 wrote:
ok for the person said she didn't understand what i was talking about basic here the short way i can put it ice is op so is storm and they are going crazy with rank and not everyone got time for crafting so i saying they should make it easyer to get the stuff like were you can buy it in crown shop and stuff that way it easy but you could still hunt around the game if you think that's fun also was talking about how rank is unfair because 70 is fighting level 100

to the guys that kept saying boo hoo well rank is not fair a level 100 can win because they have shadow spells and more blades traps and things like that so they can just one hit kill the person and these is inside there rank zone not outside it so yes i do think that needs to be fix i mean if you wanna fight someone outside you rank then you press the butten right but i didn't and i had to battle a level 70 that didn't stand a chance next thing is i not rant in i state in what is wrong and i ask for what you thought was wrong with the game and school are not even storm has gotten more accrucy so that takes out there weekness in pvp and to much power they just need a small amount lower not real big just like 10% of it lower ice need there resistance lower and i should know i a ice wizard why i say these is because now they can get up to 100% in resistance and they have so many blocks that even with that price thing it still immune ty to there blocks

to the last guy about the craft stuff some of us just don't got the time to wait for plants that have it grow or to farm forever to get 1 amber or stuff like that so that's why i asking if they put it in crown shop also have it were we could farm it or make it a like stone blocks and stuff i mean it just needs to be added to easier place to get so we don't have to fight a big boss and we could get it from more place is so it easier to us all wich would not make the game any less fun it would help players who are big or low level get the things they needed
Obviously a level 100 CAN win, but so can a level 70 warlord. Plenty of anti-shrike tools at that level, and, again, they are likely more skilled. You kinda are ranting. Storm and Ice are not OP just because you don't like them, Storm hass less health and accuracy to make up for their firepower, and ice has high health and resist but has low attacking power. It all balances out.

Mar 17, 2011
Robobot1747 on May 14, 2014 wrote:
Obviously a level 100 CAN win, but so can a level 70 warlord. Plenty of anti-shrike tools at that level, and, again, they are likely more skilled. You kinda are ranting. Storm and Ice are not OP just because you don't like them, Storm hass less health and accuracy to make up for their firepower, and ice has high health and resist but has low attacking power. It all balances out.
ok i love first again i love storm and ice i not hatting on them at all and storm weakness go away there accuracy get boosted there heath fine truthfully they need just a little more but the attacking power way op i mean have you seen storm owl and i ice so i not hatting on my self i saying to make it fair ear to other players that they need to lower are resistance or something so were not immune to every spell out there on the game also level 70 warlord maybe have tc that help them out but how can they block something that rips there tower shield and there other blocks like they went even there and ok i guess i am ranting but no way a level 70 has a chance when the 100 has the blades that can nock away all you blocks and one hit kill ya ice power is still week i will agree there but we have to much resistance i saying they need to cut back on it a little or make a thing that dose not make us able to be immune to spells that is rd last thing i not just talking about storm and ice i talking about all the school myth needs more powerful summons i mean that wt there class is about right even also they need all hit spell i mean ice has snow angel forest giant even blizaar that just like fire spell but it ice fire has at lest 3 all hits i know about but myth and death only have 2 that i have seen frog for myth and the earth thing death crow and Dino spell also life all i seen in a all hit spell from that was forest giant so i not just saying update storm and ice i saying update us all lower storm power lower so it not so rd not to much but were it good again also there not supost to have so much accuracy there supost to fizzle a lot that was there weakness now it not ice resistance ice has gotten 50 damage rate now and 100 resistance if on fire and storm if you craft or farm the stuff were not supost to be the damage class were the block class i mean we all need update balances needs more spell that can hit hard not for there class you know it just need a little update so everybody class can be balances it out it not to ruin the game these would make it fair to more players and pvp would become balance out by these happening if you playing rank or what ever and again level 70 vs 100 in less the 100 really bad there going win because they got better spell they got shadow magic and they have more power on there side if it was a level 85 vs 100 that fair because the 85 can at lest stand a little of a chance but 70 no way in less the 100 is bad at rank

level 100 also i love all class balance i don't love one then more so stop saying i hating on them because i not when i not i state what i think should be upgrade and standing up for it

Apr 05, 2012
i agree but robobot doesnt but i do not know any updates to make it cooler quest changing colors are but what if you can change the color of your name or make it glow like neon

Mar 17, 2011
neonxgaming on May 15, 2014 wrote:
i agree but robobot doesnt but i do not know any updates to make it cooler quest changing colors are but what if you can change the color of your name or make it glow like neon
that be fun

Apr 05, 2012
Robobot1747 on May 14, 2014 wrote:
Obviously a level 100 CAN win, but so can a level 70 warlord. Plenty of anti-shrike tools at that level, and, again, they are likely more skilled. You kinda are ranting. Storm and Ice are not OP just because you don't like them, Storm hass less health and accuracy to make up for their firepower, and ice has high health and resist but has low attacking power. It all balances out.
obviously a lvl 70 can beat it with its skills and resistance if you think all the way

Jul 27, 2011
SparkySywer on May 11, 2014 wrote:
I'm an undercover grammar police officer. You are under arrest.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't make out what you're trying to say.
I'm assuming, though, you're trying to fix PvP, and every time people have requested a change to PvP it ruins something for us who don't PvP, like with Wild Bolt, stuns, and Earthquake.
Also, I noticed you touching on crafting being too hard, and I agree, but Azteca is too hard but I'm still working on it.
Best wishes,
My sentiments exactly, especially with the grammar issue. I cannot read text that has no periods or commas, plus the poor choice of words and sentence structure.

On your other points, I agree, except I think the crafting is easy. Well, for the quests. Building things, bit difficult for higher levels.

Seth NightFlame 100
Child of Light and Shadow

Sep 19, 2013
sliver moon wolf on May 14, 2014 wrote:
ok i love first again i love storm and ice i not hatting on them at all and storm weakness go away there accuracy get boosted there heath fine truthfully they need just a little more but the attacking power way op i mean have you seen storm owl and i ice so i not hatting on my self i saying to make it fair ear to other players that they need to lower are resistance or something so were not immune to every spell out there on the game also level 70 warlord maybe have tc that help them out but how can they block something that rips there tower shield and there other blocks like they went even there and ok i guess i am ranting but no way a level 70 has a chance when the 100 has the blades that can nock away all you blocks and one hit kill ya ice power is still week i will agree there but we have to much resistance i saying they need to cut back on it a little or make a thing that dose not make us able to be immune to spells that is rd last thing i not just talking about storm and ice i talking about all the school myth needs more powerful summons i mean that wt there class is about right even also they need all hit spell i mean ice has snow angel forest giant even blizaar that just like fire spell but it ice fire has at lest 3 all hits i know about but myth and death only have 2 that i have seen frog for myth and the earth thing death crow and Dino spell also life all i seen in a all hit spell from that was forest giant so i not just saying update storm and ice i saying update us all lower storm power lower so it not so rd not to much but were it good again also there not supost to have so much accuracy there supost to fizzle a lot that was there weakness now it not ice resistance ice has gotten 50 damage rate now and 100 resistance if on fire and storm if you craft or farm the stuff were not supost to be the damage class were the block class i mean we all need update balances needs more spell that can hit hard not for there class you know it just need a little update so everybody class can be balances it out it not to ruin the game these would make it fair to more players and pvp would become balance out by these happening if you playing rank or what ever and again level 70 vs 100 in less the 100 really bad there going win because they got better spell they got shadow magic and they have more power on there side if it was a level 85 vs 100 that fair because the 85 can at lest stand a little of a chance but 70 no way in less the 100 is bad at rank

level 100 also i love all class balance i don't love one then more so stop saying i hating on them because i not when i not i state what i think should be upgrade and standing up for it
Boo hoo hoo, Storm hits hard because it was designes to hit hard, and Ice tanks well because it was meant to tank well. As you level up, you get gear that can cover for your lacking stats, but that occurs for all schools. At level 70, Myth has quake and medusa, Fire gets Efreet, Storm gets Leviathan, and Enfeeble a few levels later., and Balance gets Black Mantle. Just use a Myth mastery and load up on quake and Medusa TCs. These spells can actually make Shrike worse for the caster, getting Medusa'd and Black Mantle'd almost guarantees 30% backlash. Shadow Shrike does not ignore tower shield, in fact tower will absorb all of Shrike's pierce. Just put on an extra tower TC to suck up any leftover pierce, and your resist will be left completely intact. I find that many things people decry as OP they simply have not thought about how to counter it.

P.S. I think your spell checker may be possessed... I can barely read your post.

Mar 17, 2011
Robobot1747 on May 17, 2014 wrote:
Boo hoo hoo, Storm hits hard because it was designes to hit hard, and Ice tanks well because it was meant to tank well. As you level up, you get gear that can cover for your lacking stats, but that occurs for all schools. At level 70, Myth has quake and medusa, Fire gets Efreet, Storm gets Leviathan, and Enfeeble a few levels later., and Balance gets Black Mantle. Just use a Myth mastery and load up on quake and Medusa TCs. These spells can actually make Shrike worse for the caster, getting Medusa'd and Black Mantle'd almost guarantees 30% backlash. Shadow Shrike does not ignore tower shield, in fact tower will absorb all of Shrike's pierce. Just put on an extra tower TC to suck up any leftover pierce, and your resist will be left completely intact. I find that many things people decry as OP they simply have not thought about how to counter it.

P.S. I think your spell checker may be possessed... I can barely read your post.
ok i going start out with you are vary rude i also like to say you could be nicer about how you put things because to me it seem like you kinda a bully but i will try to work on trying to make my topics understand a bull

number 2 if you read it all i was talking about how has resistance that to strong i not saying a big Chang is need i saying they need to make it were your not like frozen armor to most or all spells and doing these to ice would make them fair in pvp again i know is the block class everybody know that i not asking for power boost or anything like these just asking it to be lower in resistance to make it fair to others who play the game

next up is i not asking for a big Chang they just need there spells power lower i mean they can do 1900- 1800 if they got the right gear of course so lower it like 10% for it to become fair to everyone wouldn't hurt anything it just make it not one shot a ice storm fire myth life death or even balance wizard in pvp with out blades or traps that way there no so over power and you can go around and commons and ask i have here what people say. yes i think there over power and they should be lower no there not over power it just how there class was made and other say i really not sure but 50% said yes 35% said no and 20% said i not sure never really thought about it

shrike is fine but i only yous it to show you that ice would still not be affected by the spell for when i was talking about why ice resistance should be lower

next up what you ideal to make wizard101 cooler or even what do you think should be updated i mean that's what these topic all about anyway

Sep 19, 2013
sliver moon wolf on May 18, 2014 wrote:
ok i going start out with you are vary rude i also like to say you could be nicer about how you put things because to me it seem like you kinda a bully but i will try to work on trying to make my topics understand a bull

number 2 if you read it all i was talking about how has resistance that to strong i not saying a big Chang is need i saying they need to make it were your not like frozen armor to most or all spells and doing these to ice would make them fair in pvp again i know is the block class everybody know that i not asking for power boost or anything like these just asking it to be lower in resistance to make it fair to others who play the game

next up is i not asking for a big Chang they just need there spells power lower i mean they can do 1900- 1800 if they got the right gear of course so lower it like 10% for it to become fair to everyone wouldn't hurt anything it just make it not one shot a ice storm fire myth life death or even balance wizard in pvp with out blades or traps that way there no so over power and you can go around and commons and ask i have here what people say. yes i think there over power and they should be lower no there not over power it just how there class was made and other say i really not sure but 50% said yes 35% said no and 20% said i not sure never really thought about it

shrike is fine but i only yous it to show you that ice would still not be affected by the spell for when i was talking about why ice resistance should be lower

next up what you ideal to make wizard101 cooler or even what do you think should be updated i mean that's what these topic all about anyway
Refuting your points + using "Boo hoo" sarcastically =/= being a bully.
Ice has lots of resist. That's what it does, and its damage is less to compensate for it. Gear pierce + TC Infallible can probably get you up to around 25%, which should be sufficient to put a decent smackdown on them. Defensively, use blade removals like Enfeeble or Earthquake to disable the Ice wizard's firepower.
Storm does lots of damage, but has lower accuracy and health to compensate for it. Against a Storm wizard, just try and keep Tower Shield up and start pounding fast. Matches vs a Storm are basically "who can kill the other the fastest".
Clearly these schools can be beaten in PvP if you know how. Bear in mind that if you nerf them, their PvE performance will suffer badly. Storm survives on damage, so what will they have if you take that from them?

On an unrelated note, perhaps us bullies would understand better if you used proper spelling and grammar.

Apr 05, 2012
sliver moon wolf on May 18, 2014 wrote:
ok i going start out with you are vary rude i also like to say you could be nicer about how you put things because to me it seem like you kinda a bully but i will try to work on trying to make my topics understand a bull

number 2 if you read it all i was talking about how has resistance that to strong i not saying a big Chang is need i saying they need to make it were your not like frozen armor to most or all spells and doing these to ice would make them fair in pvp again i know is the block class everybody know that i not asking for power boost or anything like these just asking it to be lower in resistance to make it fair to others who play the game

next up is i not asking for a big Chang they just need there spells power lower i mean they can do 1900- 1800 if they got the right gear of course so lower it like 10% for it to become fair to everyone wouldn't hurt anything it just make it not one shot a ice storm fire myth life death or even balance wizard in pvp with out blades or traps that way there no so over power and you can go around and commons and ask i have here what people say. yes i think there over power and they should be lower no there not over power it just how there class was made and other say i really not sure but 50% said yes 35% said no and 20% said i not sure never really thought about it

shrike is fine but i only yous it to show you that ice would still not be affected by the spell for when i was talking about why ice resistance should be lower

next up what you ideal to make wizard101 cooler or even what do you think should be updated i mean that's what these topic all about anyway
new mobs in avalon? in some secret dungeon behind the waterfall next to that dungeon

Mar 17, 2011
Robobot1747 on May 19, 2014 wrote:
Refuting your points + using "Boo hoo" sarcastically =/= being a bully.
Ice has lots of resist. That's what it does, and its damage is less to compensate for it. Gear pierce + TC Infallible can probably get you up to around 25%, which should be sufficient to put a decent smackdown on them. Defensively, use blade removals like Enfeeble or Earthquake to disable the Ice wizard's firepower.
Storm does lots of damage, but has lower accuracy and health to compensate for it. Against a Storm wizard, just try and keep Tower Shield up and start pounding fast. Matches vs a Storm are basically "who can kill the other the fastest".
Clearly these schools can be beaten in PvP if you know how. Bear in mind that if you nerf them, their PvE performance will suffer badly. Storm survives on damage, so what will they have if you take that from them?

On an unrelated note, perhaps us bullies would understand better if you used proper spelling and grammar.
ok ether you are not reading my topics or you just ignore what i saying and trying to twist my words around ether way i done responding to you post tell you stop being rude i will not sit or stand or what ever i doing at the mint and take these from you

also in the post before i prove the weakness don't matter that much anymore when you get to higher level it not even with some of the gear out there i have prove these in my other topics if you have look threw all of them and read carefully you should be able to make out what i saying but you are being a bully you may not see you self as being one but you are

level100 wizard

Mar 17, 2011
neonxgaming on May 20, 2014 wrote:
new mobs in avalon? in some secret dungeon behind the waterfall next to that dungeon
that sounds like it be a fun ideal but what do you mean by mobs? and new dungeon would be cool but what in it i want to know more about you ideal it sounds cool

level 100wizard

Sep 19, 2013
sliver moon wolf on May 20, 2014 wrote:
ok ether you are not reading my topics or you just ignore what i saying and trying to twist my words around ether way i done responding to you post tell you stop being rude i will not sit or stand or what ever i doing at the mint and take these from you

also in the post before i prove the weakness don't matter that much anymore when you get to higher level it not even with some of the gear out there i have prove these in my other topics if you have look threw all of them and read carefully you should be able to make out what i saying but you are being a bully you may not see you self as being one but you are

level100 wizard
Most schools get gear at higher levels that covers weak spots. Storm and Ice's are just more notable because they are at the far ends of the damage/defense spectrum. I'm not sure how I am ignoring what you say, twisting your words, or being a bully. You do not even bother to respond to the point that I made regarding their PvE performance, PvP is not a vacuum.
By the way, you are the 309,867,231st person to complain about Ice defense and Storm firepower. And nothing has happened so far.

Jan 13, 2013
pvp is fine.
crafting is fun.
everything else is fine.

Life: Healing (support)
Ice: good shields and good stun ( stunning and shielding) = (support)(Stunning)
Death: draining ( attack)
Balance: Traps, blades, shields (support)
fire: overtime or DOTS (attack)
Storm: monster attacks (attack)
Myth: some stunning, second time attacks ( attack)

Eh... what did you say? Terrible grammar.

I think the game Is fine just the way it is.

We don't need updates to make it cooler.

I don't want to be a bully, but we're just telling the truth. ( or our opinions)

If I didn't get this at all prob cause of your grammar.

sorry Dude.

Autumn Summerstone a.k.a. The wonderful friend maker

Mar 17, 2011
Autumn Summerstone on May 26, 2014 wrote:
pvp is fine.
crafting is fun.
everything else is fine.

Life: Healing (support)
Ice: good shields and good stun ( stunning and shielding) = (support)(Stunning)
Death: draining ( attack)
Balance: Traps, blades, shields (support)
fire: overtime or DOTS (attack)
Storm: monster attacks (attack)
Myth: some stunning, second time attacks ( attack)

Eh... what did you say? Terrible grammar.

I think the game Is fine just the way it is.

We don't need updates to make it cooler.

I don't want to be a bully, but we're just telling the truth. ( or our opinions)

If I didn't get this at all prob cause of your grammar.

sorry Dude.

Autumn Summerstone a.k.a. The wonderful friend maker
it OK and i good gamier i great at crafting just take me longer bro

1 crafting takes to long truthfully i saying make it easier that all if you read my other post you would of saw why so plz go back read i know it read able because i read it myself

2 i also said some stuff about the school in my post with robot check them out and you will see the points i made about the classes being unfair

3 i a vary good gamer i have my ice gear 100 block on and and 50% to the others see steel working on the other resistance and my craft skill almost all the way up but i just slow with my crafting my pet is epic and heals like a monster so i say i a vary good gamer

4 i forgot to talk about pet healing but here ill just put it in now the pet heals are crazy some are OK like sprite and unicorn but blot heal i got to say that a little much because at lest before if the pet heal it didn't give them full heal but with life getting x amount a heal and there down to 45 heal then there pet heal they get like 4560 heath back and boom they win the game in less you really lucky and just hit then and it hits that number so i do think some of the pet healing is crazy but not all of them

5 these topic for ideals so if you got any post them it to make updates to the game that you think the game needs if you have any ideal post them i want to see them all

6 i also like to put up here disable should be taken out tournament in pvp because all you do is spam it then you hit once then you keep spamming it and you win and i fined that unfair to players because of the time amount you have to battle i mean that rd if you can't cast a spell because they yous in disable tc i mean i yous tc but steel disable tc give them a unfair vantage when you battle because they can spam it and win or the normal spell i just say take it out of tournament only because it on a time line and if they spam it so much they win i seen it to many times

level 100 wizard
level 19 wizard
level 14 wizard

Sep 19, 2013
sliver moon wolf on May 28, 2014 wrote:
it OK and i good gamier i great at crafting just take me longer bro

1 crafting takes to long truthfully i saying make it easier that all if you read my other post you would of saw why so plz go back read i know it read able because i read it myself

2 i also said some stuff about the school in my post with robot check them out and you will see the points i made about the classes being unfair

3 i a vary good gamer i have my ice gear 100 block on and and 50% to the others see steel working on the other resistance and my craft skill almost all the way up but i just slow with my crafting my pet is epic and heals like a monster so i say i a vary good gamer

4 i forgot to talk about pet healing but here ill just put it in now the pet heals are crazy some are OK like sprite and unicorn but blot heal i got to say that a little much because at lest before if the pet heal it didn't give them full heal but with life getting x amount a heal and there down to 45 heal then there pet heal they get like 4560 heath back and boom they win the game in less you really lucky and just hit then and it hits that number so i do think some of the pet healing is crazy but not all of them

5 these topic for ideals so if you got any post them it to make updates to the game that you think the game needs if you have any ideal post them i want to see them all

6 i also like to put up here disable should be taken out tournament in pvp because all you do is spam it then you hit once then you keep spamming it and you win and i fined that unfair to players because of the time amount you have to battle i mean that rd if you can't cast a spell because they yous in disable tc i mean i yous tc but steel disable tc give them a unfair vantage when you battle because they can spam it and win or the normal spell i just say take it out of tournament only because it on a time line and if they spam it so much they win i seen it to many times

level 100 wizard
level 19 wizard
level 14 wizard
1. Crafting is supposed to be semi-difficult, because you can get great gear which in some cases are better than dungeon gear.
2. And I disproved you.
3. So... you're a good gamer. Not relevant.
4. Pets don't heal you back to full, MAYBE a maxed healing current with insane heal boosts and guiding lights, but chances are if you're setting up for that in PvP you're dead already.
5. That doesn't mean we can't criticize you.
6. So hit without blades or use traps. The only things that are truly OP are the things you don't bother trying to counter.

Dec 30, 2012
Storm is fine the way it is.

Mar 17, 2011
Robobot1747 on May 28, 2014 wrote:
1. Crafting is supposed to be semi-difficult, because you can get great gear which in some cases are better than dungeon gear.
2. And I disproved you.
3. So... you're a good gamer. Not relevant.
4. Pets don't heal you back to full, MAYBE a maxed healing current with insane heal boosts and guiding lights, but chances are if you're setting up for that in PvP you're dead already.
5. That doesn't mean we can't criticize you.
6. So hit without blades or use traps. The only things that are truly OP are the things you don't bother trying to counter.
i got a feeling you just going fight with me tell the dogs come home OK we get it you don't agree if you have ideal post but i tired of hearing that you disagree with everything i say
if i say blue you say something else so no matter what we will fight so robot lets agree to disagree

these topic for ideals if you disagree with me then just post once that you disagree then and give you point but i wanna see ideals not just i agrees or disagree if you don't got ideal and you chosen to disagree or a agree and post it on here OK then there no need to post anymore on these topic

everybody has a freedom to say whats on there mined why do you think i stop responding to you Robobot1747 it because there no point and we keep saying the same thing over and over and these topic getting full of us to just saying no yes no yes no yes over and over again so i rather stop responding to you post then fill these topic that mint for ideals on how to make make the game better then us to fighting and from the start you haven't posted one ideal just fighting everything i say no matter what it is

also people if you got ideals to make the game cooler or what you think needs to be updated post on these topic that's what it for

Jul 10, 2009
Okay, I'm sorry, this isn't a idea to make the game cooler, but it is what I plan on saying everytime somebody talks about how Ice or Storm is overpowered.

The truth is, Storm and Ice have always been (and always will be) opposites. They're the extremes of the damage/defense spectrum, and as KI has made the game harder, they have become more extreme. Which makes sense when you think about how KI would have had to make it harder. They couldn't have improved the schools equally, that would have taken the fun out of the different schools. So, instead they increased the different strengths of the schools. And that made Storm have even more damage. And that made Ice have even more health.

Hails MoonHeart, Promethan Thaumagture