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Whole-battle attack boosts.

Jul 23, 2009
Not that the blades and traps that we have arent good enough, but i think we could do better. I think that there should be whole-battle attack and defense bonuses. They could be for all schools or just one, and they would take up a considerable amount of mana, but not too much. That would add a whole new aspect of strategy to the battle. They could be treasure cards or just cards that you buy with crowns, but you would have to buy copies of the spell to put more than one in your deck.

Apr 02, 2010
What level are you?

Not sure where it starts but you can get school-specific clothes that boost your school's attack. Some pets may have the talent that boosts your school's attack, For example for the Wraith pet can give Death-Giver, 1 to 8% increase in Death school attacks.

Be forewarned it can be quite time consuming to get a pet that has a boost for your school, including the time farming a boss to get it, time spent training the pet, and time spent doing it again since the first one did not get that talent.

That's why you see so many GMs training pets, while waiting for Celestia to come out they are training pets like crazy trying to get the perfect pet for its boosts.

At level 48, and after completing several school-specific quests, you get your last spell and a pet that has a card at baby and has a better chance of boosting your hits.

Aug 21, 2009
bubbles do that until they are changed, though I do like the idea of having a decreased damage bubble

Jul 04, 2009
4 of the schools already have a damage booster that last the length of the fight. They are auras (Fire - Wyldfire / Storm - Darkwind / Ice - Balefrost / Myth - Time of Legends).