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way way way no fair! I:

Apr 24, 2010
OK kingsisle seriously this is just plain annoying, Wizardblox is for only iwhatevers. NO FAIR!!!!!!!!!! I have a kindle fire it is awesome but kingsisle you have Wizardblox for only ipad or iPhone or whatever, Can you guys make it so Wizardblox is in android market and amazon market cause i would personally love it. And all those people in and android market or amazon market now don't have it so they wont be able to do it and if it cost a dollar or too your losing money. Sorry if i rude but guys come on your better then this. Make people happy with the game. I would play it every second i have ( when i not playing W101 it self ) So kingsisle please do try to make it so people in amazon market and android market have it so those of us with android phones or kindle fires can have it.

From, Corwin trollleaf Grandmaster life wizard