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Wallaru Crafting

Dec 27, 2014
I would like to see crafting become more reasonable in its costs of reagents/pieces of gear needed. The last world needed insane amounts of items which isn't so bad if you have one wizard. However if you have a full account or even two or three the amount of battles you need to do becomes ludicrous.

Outside of crafting gear, the recipes really need to be reworked to more manageable levels for housing items etc. As an avid crafter of the past the reagent costs and time needed to obtain them, far outweigh their value. Sadly what used to be a challenge is now a full-time job and who has time for that?

I'd also like to see crafting not locked behind having done every single quest and side quest in the entire world to be able to achieve. It's sad how one of my most loved past times in the game has spiralled into a never-ending challenge. I think this really needs a lot more thought put into it. Personally I just say it's not worth the time and effort, spending less time in game because what's the point!

It would be nice to see all of the crafting items re-evaluated with more realistic demands from the third arc and upwards. Remember crafting is supposed to be fun.