i think that right outside the bazaar there should be a vending machine that would have the treasure card symbol on it. at the machine you would right click and there would be a panel with numbers and letters and there would be a bunch of pages with treasure cards you can buy. and each one would have a number next to a letter you would type in to buy it. it would not have to many more than the bazaar, but somewhat more.
So basically, we should make it pointless to buy treasure cards from the bazaar and the various treasure card vendors around the spiral, and just go to this one source machine. Next to it, why don't we put a machine that lets you type in a number and pull a lever, and you gain a number of levels equal to the number you typed in?
Since the bazaar is based off of user selling/buying, it would be hard to tell if it has more/less than the bazaar. Also, if this weren't based on users like the bazaar is, costs would generally be higher than the bazaar and people would be more likely not to get their cards from it. I do like the idea of a vending machine though! :P
You can already buy Treasure Cards from various places throughout the Spiral, and what cards cannot be bought there, can be bought from the Bazaar. Some you need to farm for, but most of those aren't really that necessary to have. (Azteca auras, Polymorphs...) A Treasure Card machine is unnecessary.
What is described in the thread is not what I thought it would be when I read the title. I'm having trouble seeing how this is different from a Card vendor you'd see in the Spiral.
When I clicked the thread, I was imagining a device or a crafting station that would allow you to custom-craft No Trade, No Auction treasure cards from a display, where you select magic school, rank, damage, accuracy, and a choice of NPC to execute the spell.