There's a lot of spell mixing in this game. Many spells have mutated or alternate versions. On top of that, many spells sort of look like they could fit into another school's repertoire.
I think it would be interesting if I could pay crowns and permanently swap out my default spell animations for other ones, giving my spell deck a unique and custom feel.
I'll use Fire for example. As you know, your basic spell progression goes Firecat, Fire Elf, Sunbird, and so on. But let's say I pay some crowns to swap out Firecat for something else, like Fire Beetle. The damage and accuracy and spell effects should remain the same, but the animation from that point onward should be Fire Beetle. Going even farther, I could buy Fire Shark to replace my Rank 3 spell (in place of Sunbird), my Rank 5 could be changed to Firezilla (instead of Phoenix), and my Rank 7 could be changed to Fire Giant (instead of Fire Dragon).
Issues to discuss:
Swapping could get tricky if one school typically learns an AoE instead of a single hit. Do single hits become AoE animations and vice versa? Might be fun.
How much should this cost? How much would it be worth to you? I could maybe see paying 200 crowns per spell rank, so 200 for Fire Beetle (Rank 1) swap, 800 for Fire Shark (Rank 3) swap, and so on.
Bad idea, it would require huge data loads and waste server space. You have millions of players and you'd have to to store all their preferrences for animations then choose the correct picture and correct damage for every spell cast. Way too much work for absolutely no benefit in gameplay.
Bad idea, it would require huge data loads and waste server space. You have millions of players and you'd have to to store all their preferrences for animations then choose the correct picture and correct damage for every spell cast. Way too much work for absolutely no benefit in gameplay.
Millions of players already have preferences for gear, pets, housing arrangements. Customization by stitching also adds no instrumental benefit to gameplay, but people love that feature. Think of this as an extension of customization into a domain that has very limited options, as well as a potentially lucrative opportunity to pull in more revenue. It's not particularly complex either, at the bare bones level, this is simply buying access to a different animation sequence with nothing else changed.