you know how you can train your pet what if their was a mount derby and your mount can go faster and learn show off and do new talents well now you can with the new mount trainer and derby let me know what you think
LOL I don't want to have to train another thing! LOL I don't care for having to train things, as I usually end up with getting stuff that isn't worth it and a lot of time spent on it. But I respect everyones Ideas. I do know a lot of people like to train there pets, I'm just not one of them.
LOL I don't want to have to train another thing! LOL I don't care for having to train things, as I usually end up with getting stuff that isn't worth it and a lot of time spent on it. But I respect everyones Ideas. I do know a lot of people like to train there pets, I'm just not one of them.
its ok besides take your time it may seem hard i made it up to adult thats the max lvl for your mount
LOL I don't want to have to train another thing! LOL I don't care for having to train things, as I usually end up with getting stuff that isn't worth it and a lot of time spent on it. But I respect everyones Ideas. I do know a lot of people like to train there pets, I'm just not one of them.
How about a rare drop that's specifically an "energy boost" for your mount. Works for a limited time. I really don't see the need to go any faster than we already do. Any faster and we will all be bouncing off the walls all the way from Wizard City to Khrysallis (not to mention get pulled into every fight along the streets. Sooner or later they are going to get hard to control and keep them pointed in the right direction.
I have always wanted to do that, I also thought that if they could grow or move faster, that could be cool, too. But I don't see the purpose in mount derbies, mainly because they are the exact same thing as pet derbies already. I don't like the idea, but I am totally up for mount training. Oh, and mount hybrids could be pretty cool. (Flying Lion, anyone)
you know how you can train your pet what if their was a mount derby and your mount can go faster and learn show off and do new talents well now you can with the new mount trainer and derby let me know what you think
A verry verry verry verry good idea. I fill like the game needs constant updates and improvements and etc. and this should be one of them. I am not sure what the results should be,but we should have the ability to train our mounts and get rewards for the training meaning more abilities rather than just +40 percent/% agility.
I have always wanted to do that, I also thought that if they could grow or move faster, that could be cool, too. But I don't see the purpose in mount derbies, mainly because they are the exact same thing as pet derbies already. I don't like the idea, but I am totally up for mount training. Oh, and mount hybrids could be pretty cool. (Flying Lion, anyone)
massive fantasy castle pack has the closest thing but i'd really like to see a winged t-rex