This is probably something more or less for RP and improv, but it's worth mentioning. The ability to walk and not just run. I mean really, we all have had that moment when we accidentally ran into a mob. What if we had a key bind for walking? That way, we could move slower at a nicer pace and still be able to have fun (whether it's improv, or the actual game). Thoughts? -Hunter Mytg, Exalted Conjurer
Walking is a fine idea. I'd use this in several areas in the game I can think of, although I will note that most of them are indoors, in smaller shop or home areas. It just makes more sense to walk there.
Some areas might even need a "walking only" designation. (I'm mainly thinking about the Hatchery here. It's a little distracting when you go in there and it looks like 100 kids hopped up on Mountain Dew bouncing off the walls.)
Walking would be nice, but i rather see sitting option as there are many empty benches and chairs :P and it would help you regenerate HP faster while sitting, like other games have.
Great idea. To be honest, at first I was confused until I realized that I haven't walked anywhere. Not like you can just take a stroll through Unicorn Way, right?
Walking would be nice, but i rather see sitting option as there are many empty benches and chairs :P and it would help you regenerate HP faster while sitting, like other games have.
I actually really like that idea, too. That way, we can actually use the items around us instead of just making the place look cool. Maybe we should be able to climb vines in our houses, drink from root beer steins, hang out in those tall towers, make tree houses, etc. Something to add more interactivity to an already amazing game. I actually never thought about that until now.
Great idea. To be honest, at first I was confused until I realized that I haven't walked anywhere. Not like you can just take a stroll through Unicorn Way, right?