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Teaching minions to aim?

Jan 17, 2012
I was in Sunken City, taking on Paulsen and his two minions (Paulsen? What kind of a name is that for a spook?) So, I call up a troll minion, one pip.

Now, the fact that I have three enemies going for me, coupled with the fact that if you take out the boss, but get defeated before you take out the minions, the boss returns with as many minions as there were when defeated, it makes sense to take out the minions first. Less firepower, and if I am defeated, they are still gone.

But no, my minion spends its time working over Paulsen, and ignoring the minions. Paulsen gets defeated, I then get defeated after taking out only one minion, but making progress on the second, go get healed, and when I return, of course, there is Paulsen with one minion.

Worthless minion. Why can't he aim for the enemy minions first?