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Suggestions - Friends and Henchmen

Mar 28, 2010
A few suggestions:
1) Either on this site or in the game, have a better way to manage the friends list. For instance, I'd like a nice page to open up with the name of the friend, their level, and useful information like when they were last logged in/online. This will help in removing inactive people so I can add more active ones.
2) Henchmen need to be smarter. Why does a Life henchman cast a powerful heal spell and use all their pips on a character that's already fully healed?? This is particularly annoying when another character needs the healing. The computer should make better decisions about what is the most helpful action to take (defense or offense) and the correct character for the action.
3) Need more minions and ways to upgrade them. The level 1 minions are all but useless in Celestia.
4) Other than healing spells that may be of use, what's the point of cycling through everyone's actions after the monsters are all dead? Stop the battle actions except for healing spells after the monsters are gone.